Rain Covered Moments

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Rain covered moments are interrupted by the sounds of my broken car heater.

It's the first time she notices the tapping coming from the vent, and my trashy car causes an outburst of laughter.

I'm embarrassed, but I can't help but join her in giggling.

My eyes lock onto her eyes, and her smile shows she understands the comedy of life.

Suddenly her eyes tear up, and her happiness is washed away with the rain outside.

Pain presents it's self in many ways, but rarely do I get to see it on such a gorgeous face.

She's opens up to me, about all the shitty moments in her life.

Tragic stories of rape, molestation, and poverty spill out of her.

All her words have been waiting for someone to listen for so long.

I listen quietly to every-time a piece of her soul was stolen from her.

She grows quiet, and nature fills the silence with sounds of rain on top my car roof.

The loud tapping of the broken vent fan interrupts the quiet, and we both laugh again at this piece of shit car.
Rain covered moments like this, show me that pain & joy are always doing a dance in our lives.

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