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Give me a glass of whiskey.

Nothing to mix into it, I want this one to burn.

I'm here at this bar for a purpose, and it's to drown out all this misery I feel.

You see, I saw a beautiful woman last night.

It was at a restaurant, and I was shocked by her beauty.

You could tell she prepared the whole night, to look this good.

Her make up was so deliberately placed on her smooth, spotless face.

The clothes she wore looked brand new, and hugged every curve of her body so..intentionally.

Her fingernails freshly manicured, and painted with dark shades of red.

I wondered if she did it to be noticed, because she had my full attention.

I thought to myself, what could be if I just went over to her.

I could buy her favorite drink, charm her, flirt with her, whisper all the dirty little things I could do to her later.

I sat in silence, dreaming of what could be, and continued to stare at the goddess across the restaurant.

I'm never did follow through with talking to her last night.

By the time I had the courage to speak to her, he already sat down across from her.

The man that replaced me.

The man that would treat her, the way she deserved to be treated.

Before last night, she told me that I broke her heart one too many times.

I should have apologized, but I was so sure of myself.

I thought she would come back, but uncaged birds like to fly.

I'll sit here with this drink instead, enjoying its sweet burn, and wishing I could become drunk off her love once again.

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