Back Together Again Part 2

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"Louise would you step forward" "Oh?" "A simple spell can make a difference to anyone and anything weither they have magic or not it's a simple one that anyone can use so long as they believe that animals and any other creatures have feelings" "I can speak to Flame without using my wand" "As I said the spell would work if you believe animals have feelings the spell is Altio Mericic" Louise looks at Flame. "Altio Mericic" Then Louise laughs "Flame says he spotted Sato playing with other animals" "Flame!" "Hahah adorable" "Sir" "Um?" "Is it true that you've tried to get to our world?" "I see Flame must've told you about the wound I had faced when I tried walking through the portal that appeared I did I wanted to try and see Kirchie" "Awwww that's so cute"

"Flame says you got through the portal" "When the magic council in my world found out that Kirchie was my lover they given me the world traveling band so I stand here because of that same band but I reached out to your professor who then told your headmaster whom I was" "Sir if I may ask if you wanted to stay in our world for a bit would you be able to?" "I would for I have a way back to my world are you asking me this because you want me to teach you guys time to time" "Well that and also we have a party coming up to celebrate the ending of first arc" "I see and you guys are hoping that I would go to well we shall see one can only hope however even so I think I would be able to if it means seeing Kirchie happy" As we learned more about the bonds of familiar and funny human jokes the day winded down. "Hahahha" I started laughing myself Flame and several other smaller familiars were dragging Sato around. "And this what he gets for letting the animals walk over him" We all laughed and watched as the animals continued to drag Sato.

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