Llama Emperor

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"What am I gonna tell the village?" Pacha asks as he and Alexis arrive outside the house in the village.

"Hey kids." Alexis says as the kids run over happily as she and Pacha come into the house.

"Come Here!" Pacha says as he picks up Tipo before Alexis smiles and walks back outside to the back of the house.

"Really. Who does that emperor think he is? Taking our home like that." Alexis says as she stands outside the barn.

"Well he is the emperor. I'm just glad we're all together either way." A voice says revealing to be Pacha as he brings Misty over with the cart.

"Dad." Alexis says as she sees a sack in the cart moving.

"What? Where'd you come from little guy?" Pacha asks as he sees a llama in the sack.

"No touchy." The llama says seeming to be in a daze.

"Aah! Demon llama!" Pacha shouts as he and Alexis back away from the llama.

"Demon llama? Where?" The llama asks in fear before he sees Misty and tries to run only to fall and hit the ground hard.

"Okay demon llama. Just take it easy. We mean you no harm." Pacha says as he and Alexis go over to the llama.

"What are you talking talking about- Oh wait. I know you. You're that whiny peasant." The llama says he gets up.

"And you're that spoiled emperor. Small world." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Emperor Kuzco?" Pacha asks.

"Yeah. Who do you think you were talkin' to? I see your uninterested daughter is with you." Kuzco says as Alexis looks at him.

"Sorry I'm not interested in spoiled rich guys who decide they wanna uproot a family for their own selfish purposes before hitting on someone's daughter. Just because they think that where they are rich that just any girl would swoon for them. Oh wait. No I'm not sorry. But did you really think I would go for you so easily?" Alexis asks.

"Kinda did." Kuzco says annoyedly.

"Uh...how did- Um... you don't... look like the emperor." Pacha says.

"What do you mean I don't look like the emperor?" Kuzco asks in offense.

"Why don't you take a look?" Alexis says as she finds a mirror in her satchel and hands it to Kuzco.

"Aah! It can't be! Aah! Aah! Aah! My face! Aah! My beautiful, beautiful face!" Kuzco shouts as he sees his reflection.

"Okay, Okay, Okay." Pacha says as he tries to get Kuzco to calm down.

"I'm an ugly stinky llama!" Kuzco shouts before Alexis covers his mouth with her hand.

"Will you be quiet? Do you want people to see you like this? If not then hush and tell us what happened." Alexis says as she steps away from Kuzco.

"I'm trying to figure that out. Okay? Ohh-ho! I can't remember. I can't remember anything. Wait a minute. I remember you. I remember telling you that I was building my pool where your house was and then you got mad at me. Ohh! And you turned me into a llama!" Kuzco says angrily as Alexis looks at him.

"Us?" Alexis asks in disbelief.

"Yes and then you kidnapped me." Kuzco says as Alexis gives an angry look.

"I think you hit your head or something because we haven't touched you. So you better get your facts straight before you go accusing people of something they didn't do." Alexis says angrily.

"Hmm. You're right. That's giving you way too much credit. Okay. I have to get back to the palace. Yzma's got that secret lab. I'll just snap my fingers and order her to change me back. Hey you. No waste. Let's go. Hey tiny I want to get out of this body. Wouldn't you? Now let's go." Kuzco says as he tries to walk on his hind legs by using the fence to balance.

"Build your summerhouse somewhere else." Pacha says as Kuzco stops.

"You want to run that by me again?" Kuzco asks.

"I can't let you go back unless you change your mind and build your summer home somewhere else." Pacha says sternly.

"Hmm. I got a little secret for you. Come here. No closer. I don't make deals with peasants!" Kuzco shouts as Pacha goes over to him.

"Then I guess you're stuck like this then." Alexis says bluntly.

"Fine. I don't need you. I can find my own way back." Kuzco says as he tries walking again.

"I wouldn't recommend it. It's a little dangerous if you don't know the way." Alexis says.

"Oh please. What would a girl like you know?" Kuzco asks as Alexis's jaw drops at the comment before giving an angry look.

"No really. She's-" Pacha then gets cut off by Alexis.

"No dad. If the emperor doesn't believe us let him learn for himself. Go ahead! If there's no Kuzco there's no Kuzcotopia. Takes care of our problem." Alexis says annoyedly before walking off.

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