Change of Mind

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"I still can't believe we're out here searching for that spoiled brat." Alexis says as she is following Kuzco's scent in wolf form with Pacha beside her.

"Hey. He's the emperor. Besides would you really be able to live with yourself if something happened to him? I don't like helping him anymore than you do. This may be our only chance to get our home saved." Pacha says as Alexis hears something and sees Kuzco being cornered by jaguars.

"There. Dad you save the emperor. I'll take care of those jaguars." Alexis says.

"Be careful." Pacha says as Alexis nods and runs over to the jaguars.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size you overgrown bullies!" Alexis shouts as she growls getting the jaguars attention.

"A talking wolf?" Kuzco asks before Pacha swings in on a vine and grabs him before Alexis begins running with the jaguars after her.


Not long after Alexis looses the jaguars she soon finds Pacha with an unconscious Kuzco by the water.

"Is he okay?" Alexis asks as she runs over and shifts to human form.

"I think he swallowed a lot of water." Pacha says as Alexis looks at Kuzco.

"Here. Move. I know what to do." Alexis says as she starts breathing air into Kuzco through his lips before feeling him kiss her.

"Mmph! Okay that just happened." Alexis says in disgust as she immediately gets away from Kuzco.

"You kissed me? So you do like me." Kuzco says as he smiles.

"In your dreams. I was trying to get you to wake up from where you swallowed a lot of water." Alexis says annoyedly as starts drinking from the water.


"For the last time it was not a kiss." Alexis says.

"Well, whatever you call it... if you would've done what I ordered you to do in the first place it wouldn't of happened." Kuzco say as Alexis laughs.

"Ha! Ordered us. Yeah. Right. That's funny." Alexis says as she laughs.

"Are you always this rude?" Kuzco asks as he gives Alexis an annoyed look.

"Are you always so spoiled and demanding? And if you ever do that again I will teach you what we peasant girls as you so call us a little thing we call teaching a guy to respect boundaries." Alexis says warningly.

"Alexis behave." Pacha says as he is trying to start a fire.

"Oh I am. Long as he respects my boundaries that is. Emperor or not he does that again and I'll personally teach him respect." Alexis says angrily.

"But now that you're here you will take me back to the palace. I'll have Yzma change me back and then I'll start construction on Kuzcotopia. Oh yeah." Kuzco says as Pacha looks at him.

"Okay now look. I think we got off on the wrong foot here. I think if you really thought about it you'd decide to build your home on a different hilltop." Pacha says.

"And why would I do that?" Kuzco asks as he keeps putting out Pacha's fire.

"Because... deep down I think you'll realize that you're forcing an entire village out of their homes just for you." Pacha says as he puts his poncho on a branch.

"And that's... bad?" Kuzco asks.

"Heartless and cruel actually." Alexis says as she fills a container with water.

"Mmm. Now take me back." Kuzco says.

"What? Wait, wait. How can you be this way? All you care about is building your summer home and filling it with stuff for you." Pacha says in disbelief.

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