1: Return to Nevermore

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A long dark car pulled up to the all too familiar gates, which swung open almost as if they were their own being. Sat in the back of said car was a pale, dark eyed 16 year old, whose black hair sat in braids down to her chest. This of course was Wednesday Addams, returning to Nevermore Academy, the place where she found herself amidst a plot to destroy the Academy and kill all the outcast within it. Opposite Wednesday sat Morticia and Gomez Addams, her parents, who wouldn't have noticed they had arrived had Wednesday not insisted they take their hands off each other for just a minute.

With a screech of brakes the car ground to a halt before the tall, monotonous building inside which the entrance to the Academy laid waiting. Wednesday was reluctant to get out of the car but was swiftly persuaded to do so by her mother. Before long, the teenager was joined by her family, who -whilst Lurch retrieved the trunks- were beginning to say their goodbyes and reassurances.
"You'll love it, my little rain-cloud, I'm sure it will live up to last years standards" proclaimed Gomez, much to Wednesdays distaste. "You must at least be looking forward to seeing your friends again, surely" questioned Morticia.
This went on for what felt like hours to Wednesday. It was pure and utter torture, and not the enjoyable kind.

As Lurch retrieved the final case, the Addams' began saying their final reminders and then their goodbyes. After one final uncomfortable hug Gomez climbed back into the car, which slowly trundled away from Wednesday who watched with her back to the entrance. As the teenager slowly turned back to face the Academy, her vision was suddenly obstructed by a slightly taller, far happier looking girl.
"Oh My God!" The blonde haired girl exclaimed "Wednesday it's so good to see you again!" The girl opened her arms for a hug, much to Wednesdays visible disgust. "Oops, sorry, I forgot you don't like to do that"
Before Wednesday could fire back with anything she was bombarded with questions; "How are you?"

"Mediocre at best."

"How was your break?"


"Are you looking forward to the year?"

"As if. We should probably start to carry some of my stuff up, you can bleed my ears dry with your questions as we move."
Of course, Wednesday made it through this entire interaction without showing any hint of emotion, especially not happiness but deep down, somewhere inside of her she was somewhat happy to see Enid again.

Once the duo had moved Wednesdays trunks they then were met with the joy of unpacking, which was mostly done in silence, except for the occasional question about clothing choices from Enid, which was usually met with "It's too colourful, it makes me feel as if cactuses are being plunged into my eyes." Despite the ear splitting silence the afternoon passed by somewhat quickly, with the teenagers being fairly busy with jobs until about 30 minutes before it was time to eat dinner. Enid, not exactly being the type to enjoy dead silence, decided she would question Wednesday some more, and after the events of their last year it didn't take long for the subject of her questions to land in Tyler. This put quite the frown on the face of an already perpetually unhappy looking Wednesday.

"I never want to hear you mention that name again. I have tried and tried to wipe his name and face and.. a.. and..." Wednesday uncharacteristically began to stutter, much to Enid's surprise. "Hey, you don't have to talk about that if you don't want to" she let out in a softer tone than usual.

"You deserve to know, more than anyone else. I have tried to forget him, and his face, and his actions, his actions towards me. I am disgusted at myself for letting him get so far with me. I shouldn't have ever shown any interest."

"I.. I'm sorry"
"I shouldn't have mentioned it, I didn't know how strongly you felt about it"

"You didn't know, and like I said, you deserve to know that, more than anyone."
"On the topic of soul-sucking wastes of time, how's things with Ajax? Do I need to nail-gun his heart yet?"

"Surprisingly no. We aren't together anymore but I was the one to break it off. It just didn't really feel right."

"I see"

The girls tried their best to leave their past relationships behind but they couldn't drop it, all the way to the dining hall and all the way back to their dorm, the subject never changed. However, there eventually came a point where neither teen had anything more to add and so they separated off for the rest of their evening to do what they enjoy; coincidentally driving each other crazy. Wednesday sat at her desk typing away at her typewriter and Enid was listening to loud pop music, the exact opposite of Wednesdays taste.

As the night began to grow old, the duo grew tired both of each other and themselves, it had after all been a long day of travelling and unpacking for them both. Because of this onset of tiredness they agreed to try and get some sleep slightly earlier than you would expect. After a short period of changing and getting ready to sleep the girls were ready to pass out but only Enid could. Wednesday just lay in her black bedding looking over at the excitable werewolf, quietly thinking to herself:
'if not boys, then why not girls?'
'No I'd rather neither'
'Definitely not Enid, do not even go there'
After what could have been days of this internal turmoil, the Addams finally managed to pass out and into the peace that is sleep.

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