4: Acceptance

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That same night Wednesday had a peculiar dream.  Her mind was plagued by the feeling she had experienced with Enid that evening, her dream revolving around the hug that they had exchanged earlier that night.  Unable to cleanse the idea from her mind she instead tried embracing it.  This caused her whole body to feel warmer, despite being inside of a dream world.  In Wednesdays mind she was holding onto Enid as if her life depended on it, an act she was far from used to but thought she might enjoy if she could get used to it.

As the night went on the Addams slowly got into a rhythm of acceptance and then reluctance, she'd entertain the dream for half an hour and then reject it for 10 minutes.  This went on in her mind all night, subconsciously trying to tell her something about herself.

As morning woke the two teenagers they were confronted by the mess they had left behind from the previous night, another reminder of the hug that Wednesday couldn't shake off. By the looks of it Enid couldn't forget things either as upon seeing Wednesday she turned a bright shade of red and gave her a sheepish wave as though she couldn't speak. As the two got ready for their first full day of lessons Wednesday was the one to break the tension and ask how Enid slept, to which she received:

"You slept?"

"Yeah actually, I had a crazy dream though"

"I couldn't get that movie out of my head, it wasn't exactly my kind of fun"

"I never thought it was.. Are you sure it was only the movie you couldn't get out of your head?" Wednesday started to tease Enid.

"Yep, only the movie" Enid answered with a tinge of uncertainty.

"If you say so" Wednesday smirked back at her.

After that short yet revealing exchange the two finished getting ready for the day. When Wednesday compared her timetable with Enid's, her heart sank a little when she saw she wouldn't see Enid again until their lunch break.

Wednesday started off the day in her fencing class.  Normally she would show off a bit and put everyone to shame but today she couldn't even win a point, let alone a full match.  It was obvious to everyone that something was distracting the Addams.  She seemed distant, like something was constantly on her mind, if it was anyone else you would assume they were crushing on someone, but this was Wednesday Addams.  Surely she wasn't. 

On the other side of the school Enid was lucky enough to have a lesson with Yoko, who was still trying to gauge who it was that Enid was into. Of course she had no luck, but soon noticed that something was off with Enid, she seemed slightly withdrawn, not fully in the conversation.

"What's in your mind Enid, you aren't quite as energetic as usual?"

"It's uh.. it's not really a what. It's more of a who"

"And who would this lucky person be?"

"Just someone.. A friend"

"Is it a guy?"

"Uh.. not really, assuming you are ok with that kind of thing"

"Don't worry Enid, I'm not homophobic, I've been meaning to tell you that I'm bi anyways"
Yoko realised Enid's success in changing the subject and quickly changed it back.
"So who's the lucky girl?"

"Ugh I give up" Enid sighed in defeat
"It's Wednesday ok!" Enid raised her voice slightly in an annoyed tone
"She hugged me last night and it's all I've been able to think about since"

Yoko let herself chuckle a little

"Wednesday Addams, your roommate who hated colours and who hates people?"

"Yeah that one..  it probably won't happen but the way she hugged me.. it felt like there was something there"

"I wish I could help you with this but I doubt I can with this one."

"It's ok, I have faith in myself"

Enid and Yoko continued talking about Wednesday and the various ways Enid could drop hints or confront her about her feelings for the rest of the morning with little to no breakthroughs.

By the time lunch managed to roll around the two were dying to see each other again yet when they did it wasn't quite normal. Wednesday could tell something was up with Enid and Enid could tell something was up with Wednesday, yet neither girl was willing to bring it up. There was so much tension it could be cut with a knife, until Enid decided to break it by asking Wednesday why she hugged her.

"When you hugged me during scream I felt something.. I can't put a name to it but -don't tell anyone about this or I'll have your head- but it was kinda nice. And I wanted to feel it again."

That's fair enough, I think I felt something similar"

Enid's heart started to pick up as she suddenly was overcome by the realisation that Wednesday might actually be open to a relationship.

"Tonight, when we're finished in lessons do you want to try something else?"

Enid felt a wave of regret overcome her at the question, she's pushed it too far.

"I'll consider it. I'll see how I fell later"

Wednesdays face was swamped by a blush as she imagined what Enid was implying. She couldn't wait, but as usual she hid it all the way through the afternoon until they were alone again...

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