Siege preparations

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Ganesha POV
"You have your mission Ganesha. Rescue Bell Cranel. He is the key to usher in a new era" Ouranos ordered.

"Yes sir. If I may ask why do you think he will usher in a new era" I asked.

"Because an old friend believed he would" he replied.

"You don't mean" I started before I was cut off.

"Yes, it was him. Now you head off, stop this threat and save Bell Cranel. Right now you are his only hope to save everyone" Ouranos said.

With that our conversation ended and I headed out to the lobby where everyone gathered.

"Took you long enough. Come on we're ready to go" my captain Shakti said.

"Yes let's. That boy needs our help. I replied.

Bell POV

"This ain't looking good," I thought as I now saw 30,000 monsters heading this way. Must be more in the dust cloud. This also means other monsters I haven't seen could be in there. Thanks to my god's eye and Kratos's knowledge he gave me a quick rundown of what to look out for. He said the thing I should look out for most were travelers.

"Oh my, it seems this will be challenging" I heard Mikoto say next to me.

"Yeah, right now might be our only moments of rest," I said.

We sat in silence for a moment before she spoke again.

"Bell what if we lose," she asked and I could hear the fear in her voice. I myself felt the same. I'm not afraid to admit when I'm scared but we'll only have to hold the line for a day. Still what Kratos said earlier about something powerful hiding in the army. Uh, I don't know how to feel right now so I guess it's one foot in front of the other.

"We won't all we have to do is hold the line for a day. And by the way, they're marching they won't be here til nightfall so we'll only have to fight for half a day. So nothing to be worried about we got this" I said lying right to her face to calm her down.

"I guess you're right. We are in a castle after all" she said sounding a lot less nervous than before.

"Exactly we have stone walls between us and them and by the looks of it, they don't have ladders to reach the walls" I joked knowing the trolls could just make a hole.

"Well, I need to clear my mind so I'm off to meditate. Thanks for the pep talk Bell" she said before walking away.

A pep talk full of lies. Huh looks like Loki rubbed off on me. Oh, would you look at that another 10,000 appeared.

Loki POV

This is looking bad. Thanks to my divine mirror I was able to see the full scale of the army. There were exactly 200,000 monsters heading their way. Hopefully, the rescue team will be able to get there in time, or else they'll be overrun god weapons or not.

"Oh my, that is quite a lot of them" I heard Aina say worriedly. Since her husband was a level four he volunteered to go. I don't know why considering he hates the kid but he probably doesn't want to see him die. God knows he has seen enough people die already.

Lefyia POV

"Why. Why do I have to be so weak? That human has caught up to me and in three months no less. Yet here I am on the cusp of level four and I can't help him. After he saved me from the Goliath and saved one of my best friends I can't pay him back. All because I'm so goddamn weak. I had a chance to go and save him but since I'm not a level four I can't.

"Lefyia" I heard my goddess call my name. "I know what you're thinking and it isn't your fault. How about after this you and Ais head down to the 17th floor and fight the Goliath? That should be enough for a level up" she said comforting me. Hearing her words brightened my mood a little so I turned back to the divine mirror.

Bell Cranel the demon slayer (being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now