Classes begin. Godly pranks and punishments.

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*Izuku's POV*

   After waking up and doing our morning routines with help from the girls with Eri. We head to class. "Hello I am Melissa Shield. I'm sure most remember me from I-Island. I was thought to be quirkless but thanks to Deku here I discovered my quirk. Its Angelic Guardian and he will be helping train me. For now I'm on remedial lessons with him but once done I will be a full fledged member of 1A." Says Melissa who I admit looks cute in the uniform. Then again all 4 do. Then it's mine and Eri's turn to introduce ourselves. "Hello I am Izuku Midoriya. This little ball of sunshine is Eri. My daughter. Say hi Eri." She looks at the class nervously and raises her hand "H-h-hello Papa's f-f-friends." She says I pat her head. "Its okay Eri. Anyway. I am quirkless. Eri has a quirk called rewind that can rewind any biological thing into a previous state or before it was born. Bakugo I highly suggest you stop cussing me out in your head and don't yell or cuss in front of Eri. Oh I forgot to mention I am a god in training." Bakugo erupts and I freeze him again. "I warned you Bakugo. Aizawa is it okay if I take him and.... Grapist if I were you I'd stop now before I send you somewhere you will not enjoy!" Mineta stops staring at Yaomomo to flip me off. "I warned you perverse child!" I snap my fingers as a portal opens up and throw him through it. "M-M-Midoriya where d-did you s-send him?" Asks Aizawa. I smile. "Do you really want to know?" He sighs. "No but I need to know." I cackle as I cover up Eri's ears. "To a dimension of gay rapists that will use him until his ass is so loose he shits every time he takes a step. Any further questions?" Aizawa pales "Well since you're a god not much I can do. I'm going to sleep." The boys pale and shake in fear as all the girls laugh and cackle. "Oh my God..." I look at Yaomomo "Yes?" I say with a smile. She blushes "Smart aleck. But was saying oh my god that's the most fitting punishment a perv could earn." I laugh as I uncover Eri's ears. "Hey papa where the grape head kid go?" I smile "He had to go away for awhile. Don't worry he'll be back........ Maybe." I say purposefuly pausing so the boys shrank further in their seats. "Please he can stay gone we won't mind." I laugh at the girls comments before I hear Kyoka say "Can you do that with Kaminari next?" I smile and open a different portal as Kaminari screams in terror I reach inside and pull out Eri's plushie and hand it to her. "Here Eri you left it on the bed." Before I smirk at Kaminari who passes out. "Dang dude that was cold." I laugh as I look at Kyo "Maybe but he was staring at your butt." I laugh as she launches her jacks at him and nails him with her sonic vibrations until his ear drums burst. "Hahaha dang. I was easy on him but that was just... Oh you did not just think that about my mother you electrified piece of..." I pause to cover Eri's ears again as I tear into Kaminari with the harshest words I could think of as Satan popped in to sit in front of me and take notes while blushing. "Sorry. I lost my composure for a moment. Satan did you enjoy that one? Cool. Now out. Anyway. Kaminari for those thoughts against my mother I think it's time we play a game." I uncover Eri's ears and tell her to wait with the girls as I walk over towards him. I grab him and teleport into his mother's room then snap my fingers to warp him into a chair and tie him up. "Hello Miss Kaminari. I think we need to have a chat about your son." I say after she wakes up scared.

   After about 20 minutes I teleport us back. "Yo. We're back." They all look up and see Kaminari crying. "Uhh Mophead. What did you do to him?" I smile. "I proved to him whose mother was the... Uh Yaomomo noise canceling earphones on Eri please." Momo does it fast. "As I was saying. Whose mother was the biggest whore in all Japan. Apparently she has had sex with over 7300 guys for money. 4500 guys willingly and 1200 actual animals." Aizawa jumps up after hearing this "Jesus fucking Christ Kaminari what the fuck is wrong with your whore of a mom?" Resulting in more tears from Kaminari. "Oh quit crying. You chose to be a pervert. You chose to insult my mother. You chose to then insult my Kyo afterwards and you think I give two shits about your tears? Well I do. I wish to see more of them especially when you think the size of her breasts is all that matters you cocksucking sack of feces!!" This hurts Kyo bad and she starts to cry. "The fuck Kaminari!!" She screams as I grab Kaminari neck. "Here's a lesson is godly punishments children. We believe in a taste of one's own medicine as well as walking a mile in someone else's shoes. Kaminari you will now get to see how it would feel to be a girl built like Kyo surrounded by pervs who do nothing but insult you. This punishment will last old are you again Kyo ah I see thank you. 15 yrs, 6 months, 22days, 10 hours, and 7 minutes. I will return you to your normal gender and bring you back here once done." I snap my fingers and cover Eri in a blanket that reaches from floor to ceiling. Then snap them again and he's stripped naked showing off his 2 inch dick before turned into a girl with smaller curves than Kyo and sent throuhh a time portal. "Damn how can he even be a man with one that small?" Asks Ashido. I smirk at her "Oh then lets take a poll children. How many prefer Kaminari to stay male? Oh damn only 1 is Bakugo his boyfriend Uhhh ooookay. Um female it is." Everyone looks at the blushing Bakugo and laughs except Kirishima he gets up walks right in front of him and reading his thoughts I cancel Bakugo's quirk and remove his ability to move his arms. And Kirishima beats the living hell out of Bakugo. Before walking back to his seat as Ashido comforts him the class starts to get pissed at Bakugo but asks me. "Yes. He cheated on Kirishima with Kaminari. I am sorry Kirishima. If I had known before I said that I would have found an easier way to break the news." Now they all get up and mob Bakugo who is still effectively quirkless. I walk over to Kirishima as he looks at me. "It's okay. You didn't know and it's better this way." I smile at him before I hand him a card of an old friend of mine. "Call him. He will help you. He can find you the right one for you Kirishima. Not just one for a good time or temporary." I say as he gets up and hugs me. I hug him back before I go over to Bakugo and have the students release him. "That Bakugo was called divine retribution. Change your ways puny human or they will get progressively worse. Also you and Kaminari are done regardless of if they stay boy or girl. Do you understand?" He nods and I look to Melissa and she heals him. I then snap the blankets away from Eri and she takes the headphones off. "Where'd everyone go for awhile papa?" I smile. "Oh they were behind the blankets I just didn't want you to hear and see what happened it wasn't fit for a childs eyes and ears." I smile. She nods and shows me what she drew while in the bkanket. I smile and snap my fingers as a copy of it in placed in front of everyone. A round of awws as it was a picture of me the 4 girls and Eri with the words My Family on it that I added as it was her thought since she doesn't know how to spell. The girls blush as I look at my watch. Oh Eri can we cover your eyes and ears for a bit as Kaminari is coming back and you may hear or see things that you shouldn't?" She nods and back to the blankets as the headphones cover her ears.

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