Endeavor's fatal error!

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*Izuku's POV*

      After classes end all the girls arrive at the newly remodeled dorms to find out they're all stationed on same floor with me, Eri, and Mitsuki. They rush and hug us as they could see the pain losing Masaru caused Mitsuki and myself.  There was no way Shigaraki would get away with this. As we're talking a knock interrupts us. A terrified and anxious Shoto Todoroki wishes to speak. I step out and sigh "I can see why you're afraid. Even after what's been happening Enji is still reverting back is he not?" Shoto sighs as tears flow. "It's getting worse now that he is #1. H-He made Fuyumi do t-things...." I stop him "I understand. Give me a moment to let the girls know and then you and I are going to have a chat with Fuyumi first and then one with the flaming #1. One he shall not enjoy." I step inside and let the girls know that there's a situation only I can help Shoto with and they bid us farewell. I step out and with Shoto I warp to Fuyumi.

*Fuyumi's POV*

      I was sitting in bed with my knees hugging my chest. Yet again Endeavor forced me to do things. I was crying and begging for help when in a brilliant green flash Shoto appears and a boy with green hair and eyes and freckles in a diamond pattern. "Fuyumi Himura. I am here to help." Says the boy using our mothers maiden name.

*Izuku's POV*

     We arrive in Fuyumi's room and see her crying and hugging her knees. Shoto rushes to her side. "Fuyumi Himura. I am here to help." I say as she looks frightened. "Don't worry sis. Izuku here can help even against the #1. But...we need to know what all has happened first. Can you explain?" Asks Shoto gently. Fuyumi sighs and nods but first asks "If I tell you will you still accept me as your sister Shoto?" I speak before Shoto can answer. "Miss Himura. Understand this. Shoto came to me for help. He would never have done so if he no longer viewed you as a sister. No matter what Enji has done your brothers and mother will still love and accept you. Before I ask I should introduce myself. I am Izuku Midoriya. Deku fits too if that helps. I am Earth's new god in training. As unbelievable as that may seem it is the truth. I already know what Endeavor has done as I can't block out your mental cries as they're too strong but you need to get these things out in the open. If you hold them in they will eat at you until you lose who you are." Fuyumi looks nervous but Shoto speaks "I know it sounds crazy but it's true Fuyumi. He may appear a boy but right now he is the most powerful being on Earth and he easily took out the villain that almost beat All Might. If anyone on Earth can help it is Izuku."

   Fuyumi sighs and explains. As she does her and Shoto break. Once her explanation ends I smile gently. "Well Shoto right now what you and Fuyumi need most is a mothers love. As such..." I snap my fingers and suddenly Rei Himura is warped into the room. Scared I place my hand on her forehead and show her my story from becoming a god till moments ago omitting certain things. "Rei Himura. You are needed now more than ever. As you saw what your daughter has told us. She may be an adult but right now she needs her mother more than anything. Stay here as Shoto and I need a quick chat with a certain flaming prick. Can we count on you miss Rei?" She nods before sitting by her daughter hugging her. "Make him hurt. Bad." She says coldly. "Oh I most definitely will."

*Endeavor's POV*

    I was in midst of battle with the fire villain Dabi who was discovered. Near my agency no less. As we raged on we killed many a bystander. Who gives a fuck they shouldn't be here anyway filthy savages. I'm a goddamn hero not a gladiator. "Oh you're no hero nor a gladiator at all Enji Todoroki. But you will be ruined by this days end. Isn't that right Touya?" I hear a voice speak above us.

*Izuku's POV*

   I warp us above the battle and levitate Shoto peeking in both fighters kinds I then speak. "Oh you're no hero nor a gladiator at all Enju Todoroki. But you will be ruined by this days end. Isn't that right Touya?" Confusing all three men. I snap my fingers paralyzing the fighters and cancelled their quirks before lowering myself and Shoto to the ground. I snap my fingers but they didn't realize I just made it so what we speak is on every television, computer, phone, etc etc in Japan. "Dabi alias of the thought to be dead Touya Todoroki victim of his fathers evil machinations. Victim of your fire and hatred. Went insane and became a villain. Yet did you learn Enji Todoroki? No you did not. You continue your wanton path of destruction killing thousands but the HPSC covered it up because you are strong. I am reading both of your minds now. I can see everything both of you ever did. Too bad for you Enji. You have forgotten your humanity. As such I Izuku Midoriya the Earth's new god in training am here with the youngest Todoroki to ensure you pay for your sins." I say as Shoto cries for his brother.

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