Chapter 19

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So, I switched the chapters. This was originally chapter 20, but I realized this would be a better ending because I did forget that Race told Albert he got accepted into MIT then only told Jack he turned in his applications.

So, if you've already read this, you don't have to reread it. I'm just posting because I need to haha

So, for new readers, enjoy!


Race was following his namesake.

Coach was having the students run for gym, a way to warm up their bodies in the cold. And to think she was yelling at the just a few months ago. Time flies.

Very quickly. Almost as fast as Race was running. He just kept looking forward, the track on his focus and Albert on his mind.

He couldn't believe he was going to run from that, that opportunity of being with him. Albert was everything he could ask for and then more. He should've been running towards him.

"Stop!" The coach blew her whistle as Race slowed down, placing his hands on his head as breathed in and out.

He supposed he could: stop, that is. There wasn't anything to run towards anymore. He'd made it to the finish line, and Albert ran right by his side.

Race smiled to himself, walking over and grabbing his water bottle.


Albert DaSilva walked through the halls with his hood up, hands stuffed in his pockets and his eyes watching where he was going. There was no point in looking at the kids he's known since second grade, but he did enjoy seeing their faces as they waved at him.

He carefully skipped over the lines as he walked, his stride quick and confident. He found himself doing this more often rather than looking at the tiled floors. At least he could see him faster.

Stopping before he missed his locker, he turned on his foot and stood in front of the blue chests filled with things belonging to the people around him. He waited his locker and looked around, seeing everyone with their friends.

Albert had many friends. He wasn't sure when he started having them, but they all popped up when he didn't expect them to. Many people in his life are there for him, and he loves them with all his heart.

Albert sighed as he shook his head and picked at his nails, his eyes looking up as he heard heels clicking against the floor.

"Nice haircut, Mr. DaSilva", his English teacher, Mrs. Harris, smiled as she walked away. Albert watched her as she got lost in the sea of kids, grinning softly.

The halls of The World High School were notorious for being friendly, everyone knew each other and was close, like a small town. I'm glad to be here.

Back to the halls. They weren't interesting, but they were large enough for Albert to see the 5'9 golden retriever he was looking for. He looked around before smiling when he saw him.

Down the hall came the football team, who were louder than ever. Albert watches them thunder down the hall, finding his place near the lockers.


Antonio "Racetrack" Higgins wasn't a jock, it wasn't that kind of story. But he was friends with them.

Yes, he did play baseball in the spring and run track in the winter, but he wasn't obsessed with the sports. His friends, however, loved them, and often played three or four sports a year.

I can't understand that, he thought, laughing along with his friends. How can someone play football, basketball, run track, then play baseball back to back? Bet their college application would be awesome, though.

"So, I turned in my application", Race says, stretching his neck out to look for a red haired mess. He looked up at his friend, Jack, who placed an arm around his shoulders.

"I'm proud of you, kid. I just know you got in", Jack glanced at their other friends, who were lost in their own conversations.

Race had known Jack since before he could figure out the answer to 4x5. Jack was a year older, and would be going to college soon, but they had a bond that no jock could replace with a touchdown.

After searching for what felt like centuries, Race smiled at the sight of him.

"Allie!" Race's grin seemed to grow when Albert smiled at him. He watched as his boyfriend walked over to him, shouldering his backpack. "Hey!"

"Hi", Albert greeted, placing a kiss to the blonde's cheek, grabbing his hand. "You know the entire hallway can hear you, right?"

"So what if they know that I have one of the hottest guys in school?" Race kissed Albert's temple, and the redhead rolled his eyes.

"Uh, huh, yeah, that's cute", Jack stated briskly, crossing his arms. "I just have a few questions."

The couple blinked at Jack until Race groaned distastefully, and Albert raised a brow. "Oh, no."

"Albert, what do you do for fun?"

"Um", he stuttered, glancing at his boyfriend, who only shook his head and kept his face in his hands. "I mean...I watch TV, play games-"

"What kind of games?"

"Jack, come on, you've known him for weeks-"

"Hush", Jack demanded, giving his attention back to Albert. "Games."

"Poker, Uno, and Kahoot."


"Elmer likes to study?"

"Are we really doing this in the middle of the hallway?" Race grabbed Albert's hand and stared at Jack with exhaustion, mostly from his antics. "Do it again, and I'll tell Davey you are one your-"

"Okay, okay, I'm done", Jack backed off, his hands placed up in surrender. He shoulder his bag and placed his hands in his jacket, which Race was starting to think wasn't his. I didn't know Jack was in debate. "I gotta find lover boy, anyway. We're going off campus for lunch."

"Lover boy?"

"Well, one of us has to be killer queen."

Race rolled his eyes as he pushed Jack away, ignoring his cackling as he pulled his boyfriend away, not bothering to explain anything. But Albert wasn't bothered by it. As a matter of fact, it intrigued him.

"Sorry about that", Race apologized, sighing for a breath as the both of them stopped in front of Mr. Jenkins' closet, his eyes a bit embarrassed. "Jack can be annoying sometimes."

"It's okay", Albert shrugged, smiling softly. He squeezed Race's hand and chuckled. "It's funny."

He was everything Race could ask for. Funny, sweet, a bit sarcastic, and smart as a whip—Race couldn't ask for anyone better. He's amazing, absolutely perfect.

Race grinned and placed a kiss to Albert's lips, and this time, it wasn't an accident.


Gosh, I had to ad something to this, like, what, almost a year or two after it was published? I still need to edit this haha. ILL GET TO IT! Maybe. One day. In two years.

Anyway, thanks for reading:)

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