To the rooftop we go!

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Opens door*
Ryun-Su: You guys can go.
Jun-Duk: Ladies first.
Ju-Hun: Just go dumbass!
Ryun-Su: Go on inside everybody. And I'll be the last one to go.
Shiro: Oh ryun um... One thing they are coming down here to up here.
Ryun-Su: Oh ugh... Just go.
Shiro: Kay.

Ryun-Su: Bro are you not coming out here?
Jun-Duk: Yeah I am just waiting till I find my shoes-
Ryun-Su: I'm going to lock you up in here to make them zombies eat you if you can't stop talking and come in.
Jun-Duk: Okay okay. Jeez!
Ryun-Su: Why did I even try...

Closes door*
Teacher: Oh my... You were right outside is pretty much bad.
Ju-Hun: We will never be alive if we go down there.
Shiro: We know we aren't gonna be alive.
Ju-Hun: Just saying that to stupid people.
Jun-Duk: Don't call me the stupid one of course it's dangerous!
Alarm blurting inside*
Ju-Hun: Is someone still out there?
Shiro: Sana...
Ju-Hun: Sana's down there?
Shiro: Yes.
Ryun-Su: Well we're not taking no chance to go back.
Jun-Duk: Yeah everybody! Listen to her.
Shiro: I mean... She is with her friends so she'll be fine.
Ju-Hun: Your right.
With Sana*
Opens door*
Student 1: 사나!
Sana: Nobody's coming in here.
Student 1: 사나!!
Closes door*
Sana: I never even liked her.
Sana: I'm happy I'm always lucky.
Food bag wraps open*
Sana: Some teachers should hide their food somewhere else. This is an easy spot to hide your food.
With the group*
Ryun-Su: Is anyone hungry or is it me?
Shiro: Not only you all of us! Hun where's the food you bringed?
Ju-Hun: Look in my bag.
Shiro: Ok.
Ryun-Su: So when did this happen and at what time?
Ju-Hun: Right where the locker was and maybe 9:43
Ryun-Su: Ah ok!
Ju-Hun: Ok.

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