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It's been 4 years since the pups decided to stay in Adventure City. They've completed thousands of missions, and thanks to Rocky, they upgraded their vehicles in Ways they nvr imagined possible in adventure bay. Thanks to getting part-time jobs, the decline in the sale of merch didn't slow them down either

At the lookout 5:30am

Chase: "Yawn." Well, I better get breakfast so I can start on a full tank

Marshall: morning chase I see you also got up even earlier than usual

Chase: Yeah, come on, let's get breakfast and start our patrols

Marshall: sounds good, let's go

The 2 walk to the kitchen where Ryder is making the pups food

Chase: Hey, Ryder

Ryder: Oh hey, pups, I didn't expect you up this early

Marshall: Yeah, I guess we're just more ready than usual

Ryder: Well, in that case, you guys mind helping make breakfast before you start morning patrol

Both: Sure, why not

They finish making breakfast as the others start waking up

Zuma: morning dudes how'd you sleep

Rubble: Great, how about you

Zuma: wonderfully, I'm just glad zapra took our kids with her for the weekend

Skye: Yeah, those guys sure are handfuls

Rocky: Yeah, but their our handfuls

Skye: Yeah, it's so nice that you guys have kids

Other 4: Speak for yourself. Kids are annoying

Skye: idk their kinda cute, and anyway, at least we have pups to take over once we retire

Liberty: Yeah, if they learn some respect, maybe

All 5 laugh

Ryder: morning pups

Zuma: Good morning, Ryder

Ryder: Well, come on, breakfast is ready

Rubble: Yum, I'm hungry

Once their all done eating, chase and marshall go off to start patrol, taking sandwiches with them in case they get hungry

2 hrs later

Chase: Ah, the city is so relaxing when no gangs are around. Hey, what's that smell? "Sniffs" Smoke, I better check it out ruff mini drones

The drones fly around looking for the source

Chase "looking at his dash cam": Oh no, there's a fire at the park. I gotta get over there

Chase turns on his siren, rushing to the fire

Chase: What happened here

Tarfan: sorry officer I was smoking a cigar and a bit fell off. Before I could snuff it out, it caught a bush on fire

Chase: Did you call the fire department

Tarfan: Yes, but their nearest truck is an hour out

Chase: uhg, the park will be ashes by then

Tarfan: Well, do you have any ideas

Chase: Yes, marshall, come in

Marshall: hey chase is everything ok

Chase: Not really. How far are you from martesle Park

Marshall: About 10 minutes, why

Chase: A careless smoker started a fire. The nearest engine is an hour out

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