the final mission begins

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A/N this is mostly just to show how efficient they've become
It's been 3 years since Skye announced she was pregnant. The birth went well her having 2 boys and 1 girl. Worried that chase seemingly doesn't even want children she decides to name the Older boy Skase deciding she'd train 2 members of the b team. Chase was happy for her (though a little jealous) but the other pups started getting worried. Chase started spending more and more time out patrolling each day. They rarely got any words out of him outside of missions. Skye (oblivious to his crush on her) was the most worried of all as she can't think of why he'd be acting this way (the others all knew liberty figuring it out after overhearing chase thank nate). Weirder still he seemed to be focusing on his training even harder than ever making the gap between him and the rest become a casem

On a Monday morning

Ryder "over the puptags": paw patrol to the lookout

The main 6: Ryder needs us

They all go to the command center

Chase: paw patrol ready for action, Ryder sir

Ryder: thanks for coming so quickly pups, there's an emergency at the where house on 58th street its caught fire

Marshall: isn't that where they're making and storing the new pup pup buggie game

Ryder: yes that's the one, apparently while one of the copies was going down the assembly line a spark hit it, igniting a electrical fire

Zuma: oh no that's horrible did everyone get out

Ryder: the manager is doing a head count now, it's up to us too put the fire out, for this mission I'll need marshall, u'll be in charge when on the sight, u Zuma and Skye will work on putting the fire out, since it's an electrical fire you'll have to use the reservoir

Marshall: I'm ready for even the roughest rescue

Skye: my speed will help all in need

Zuma: it's time to take a dive

Ryder: chase and rocky, you 2 will be on civilian duty, chase you make sure everyone stays a safe distance from the fire, rocky, some people might have been hurt while escaping you'll use your ambulance mode to  help them out and take them to the hospital if needed

Chase: champion Chase is on the case

Rocky "srry couldn't come up with anything better and I wanna keep the joke going": rain or shine I'll make sure everyones fine

Ryder: lastly, rubble, in case anyone is missing you'll use your truck to move debris from anyone that's trapped, Also creat a fire break just in case

Rubble: rubble's ready to stop some trouble

Ryder: and remember follow marshalls instructions and I'll be here if you need help I still need time to sober up

All: paw patrol is on a roll

At the where house

Zuma: wow that sure is hot

Marshall: yes that's why we need to put it out as fast as possible, Zuma you start on the ground floor I'll work on the second and 3rd, Skye take our extension hoses and bring them to the reservoir than use your scoop put out the parts that aren't electrical on the roof, the rest, you know what to do

The other 5: on it

Marshall and Zuma start on the fire with the extenguishment they have while Skye flies to the reservoir, 10 minutes into the mission

Chase: alright so is everyone out

Tarfan: I think so, wait where's my son

Chase: how was he not the first person you made sure got out

Paw Patrol Retribution Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon