Chapter Fifty Four

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In the darkened auditorium, Nick found himself focusing on Selena's face rather than the opera.

He could see the glisten of tears in her eyes as she responded to emotional stories being played out on the stage right in front of them, and marveled at how open she was with her feelings.

Since the curtains had risen, shed appeared to have forgotten his existence, so lost was she in Mozart's score and the beauty of the singing.

Nicks eyes rested on the seductive curve of her shoulders, bared by the exquisite sequined dress that appeared to be super glued to her exotic curves. Around the slender column of her neck were the pink diamonds, glittering against her smooth, pale skin.

From the tip of her simple satin shoes to the elegant coil of her newly straightened hair, she'd slipped into the role of princess with astonishing ease.

There trip somehow had become public knowledge and, when their limousine had pulled up outside the opera house, a crowd had gathered hoping to see them.

But far from being daunted, or even disappointed that their private evening had become public, she'd spent several minutes chatting, smiling, and charming both the crowd and the photographers, until Nick had pointed out that they were going to miss the opera.

And when they'd walked into their box there had been no privacy because every head in the opera house had turned to gaze. Even now he was sure that half the audience was straining to catch a glimpse of his wife, rather than the soprano currently giving her all on stage.

But Selena wasn't bothered.

He'd misjudged her, he admitted to himself, studying her profile in the darkness.

He'd thought that she would struggle with her new life.

But her only complaint was that he didn't spend enough time with her.

In the grip of a sudden surge of lust, Nick contemplated suggesting that they cut out early during the intermission, but he couldn't bring himself to do that because she was so obviously enjoying herself.

She was so enthusiastic about everything—meeting people, opera—even rugby.

Nick frowned slightly, admitting to himself that she'd surprised him. Over and over again. He'd expected her to struggle with the crowds and the attention but she responded like a professional. He'd thought that she'd be tongue tied at official functions, but she was so warm and friendly that everyone was keen to engage her in conversation. He'd expected her to snap at him for dragging her to rugby, but after the initial humor shed shown as much interest and energy in that as she did with everything.

He remembered her comment about being lonely and his mind wandered back to the newspaper article that had revealed her pregnancy. At the time he'd been so angry, he hadn't paid attention.

But hadn't there been some revelation about her father?

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