Chapter Sixty Seven

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Nick had his arm wrapped around Selena's waist as he helped her into the house ignoring her protests that she was perfectly capable of walking on her own. "I know but the doctor said that you had to be on bed rest for the next twenty four hours Terosso." He refused to let her go.

"We get our results tomorrow, are you ready to be proved wrong and actually step up to the daddy role?" She teased sitting down on the sofa in the home theater.

"Quit the teasing Selena, what movie do you want to watch?" He asked looking at his movie collection.

"Anything is good with me Nick, whatever you want" She had taken her shoes off and pulled a blanket over the bottom half of her body. Nick placed Parent Trap in the DVD player and took a seat next to Selena on the sofa smiling as Selena covered his legs with the blanket.

Three movies later Selena's hair sprawled out over Nick's lap, her eyes closed, breathing deep and relaxed. All the muscles in her face and body were totally at peace, her body barely moving except the rise and fall of her chest.

Grabbing the remote Nick turned off the screen then placing it on the table. He placed an arm under Selena's legs the other supporting her back as he lifted her and himself off of the sofa. He carried her up into their bedroom placing her under the covers, he quickly changed her out of the dress she was wearing and into a nightgown.

Selena stired in her sleep, rolling over finding a more comfortable position. Nick closed the curtains and quietly slipped out of the room heading to his private office.


Selena's eyes fluttered open, her mind fuzzy as she yawned away the last of her sleep. Her eyes adjusted to the dark room she was in, reaching out she turned on the light on the beside table. She looked over at the empty space next to her in bed, sighing she climbed out grabbing a robe and starting her search for Nick.

She opened the door to Nick's privite office and saw him reading over some paperwork. "Nick?" Selena felt guilty interrupting his work, but she was having light cramping.

"Dio, what are you doing out of bed?" Nick asked getting up from his chair and walking over to Selena.

"I know the doctor said it was normal to have cramps after but I can't help but worry it's who I am" Selena sighed her hand unconciously rubbing her stomach.

"Come on che bella, I'll get you some pain relief" He lead her out of the room and back up to their bedroom. "Sit on the bed and I'll get them for you." He walked off leaving Selena sat on the bed, quickly returning with pain relief and a glass of water.

"Thank you." Accepting the two pills and glass of water, she swallowed them both and handed the glass back to Nick. "Can you lay with me? I know you don't do emotions, but I do and I really need you to lay with me tonight" Hating feeling so insecure and asking for comfort from Nick.

Using Nick as her human pillow, it didn't take Selena long to fall asleep. However, for Nick he didn't sleep. He didn't understand why there had been a sudden change in the way he felt.

Yes. The sex was amazing.


And her taking this test, it changed something.

He didn't know how it could be possible.

But this baby could possibly be his.

Why else would she take the test.

Maybe she was truly innocent.


Last update for a couple of weeks. EXAMS! And then a holiday!

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