Chapter Thirteen.

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(hElLoOoO, happy late new years :')) hope yall are doing amazing. Tysm for all of ur support again, it makes me happy :D here's another chapter)

* insert magical flashback :))) *

"Well, I'm sure you're one with many gifts too!"
Kazuha looked over to see if his friend was okay. Tomo was gazing the complete opposite from Kazuha, almost trying to hide his face.
"Are you okay, Tomo?"
"Huh, o-oh yeah I'm good, let's move on." muttered Tomo, still using his hand to hide his face.

. . . . . . . . . .

"Is that your grandfather's room?" Tomo questioned, pointed the sliding shoji across them.
"Mhm, however, only family is allowed in, even then, we don't go in as often," answered Kazuha.
"Ah, understood."
Kazuha guided back towards the main living room, stepping down the stairs as they go.
"You boys finished touring around?" Kazuha's mother asked.
She sat properly on a corner couch, stroking Tama who snoozed on her lap.
Tomo collected his belongings, "yup, I have to go visit and drop off my stuff now, be good for me, Tama."
"Could I accompany you?" Kazuha asked.
Tomo turned towards Kazuha, "I'm gonna be honest with you, I barely have any guests come over to my house so, I don't know how to handle—"
"There's really no need to be polite, we're friends after all, but it's your choice!"
"Hm, I'm sure you would be able to come over for the time being, you can come along."
"Oh, really? A-allow me grab my coat then!"

12:34 PM, Saturday, July 30th
The two friends walked down the streets, crossing roads and avenues as they go. They soon enter to an middle-class neighbourhood, where kids would ride pass the homes on their bikes and where the elderly would walk down to the nearest park to simply admire nature. It was quite lively around here, unlike the higher-class neighbourhood where Kazuha lived, which were always so quiet. They soon arrived in front of a certain house with engraved numbers on the tall, stone fences to label and organize houses in order. Since all of the houses looked similar, Tomo had to double check to save the embarrassment of going to the wrong home. Afterwards, both of them headed inside the Kakuei Residence.
"Is it usually this quiet at your home?" Kazuha questioned
Tomo nodded, "it's always been my mom and I when growing up."
Tomo went towards the kitchen to search for his mother after leaving his luggage by the stairs, only finding a small note left by his mother on the counter.

    [Welcome back home, son! I currently has some work to complete before spending the holidays with you. I'm so sorry I'm not able to see you first thing you come home. I promise I will cook you dinner as soon as I get home, okay? While I'm gone, you can make your own meals in the meantime. Remember I still love you very much!   — love, mom]
"Your mother's not here?"
"Nope, she seems to be at her meetings right now, she always has to leave during the day but, it's okay, mom comes back in the evening."
"Interesting, my father is barely home since he attends to so many business trips to help out at other locations."
"Your father seems like a busy man, huh? .. I'm going to unpack my stuff upstairs, alright?"
Tomo slowly walked back to the staircase to unpack his baggage. Kazuha insisted on helping to which Tomo allowed him to do so. Didn't take long to redecorate the bland room again with the posters, Ayaka's crystal kitten, folded clothing and Tomo's crochet work.
As Kazuha was replacing some books, he caught a glimpse the same amaranthine omamori, hanging on the straps of the bag, "Oh! You have my keychain on your bag."
"Oh yeah, I wanted to have it on, I love admiring it."
"I'm glad you're enjoying my gift!" Kazuha smiled.

. . . . .

1:23 PM, Saturday, August 14
It's been two weeks ever since summer break started. As usual, hours like this allow sun beams to shine more brightly and directly, drying up the last of the rain puddles and luring in noisy cicadas. Kazuha had started rereading his books from his shelf while constantly melting on his bed from the summer heat.
"I forgot how sweltering it gets in the summer, I'm sweating like crazy!" Kazuha thought, turning the next page of his book.
Even with his fan on, it's not enough for him to keep cool.
"I wonder what's Tomo doing right now, especially in this heat."
Coincidently, his phone vibrates to indicate that someone has texted him. It was Tomo.

| Tomo :D |

Tomo :D
bro how the hell are u getting through this dry weather

I'm melting like an ice cube, what do you mean?

Tomo :D
u too?? i might die from this

Really? Please don't die. :(

Tomo :D
lolol im just kidding ahaha anyways wanna go oyr wigh mw


Tomo :D
Srry i meant do u wanna go get kakigori together?

Kakigōri? That shaved ice dessert?

Tomo :D
yea i heard theres a new shop that sells some
i heard its good

Ohh, in that case, I can come with you! :)

Tomo :D
o yay imma pick you up, im going by bike since its not
that far
just wait by your house around 1:40 or smth
Or until u see me

Oh, okay, thank you!

Tomo :D
my treat ofc

But I can pay for my own food.

Tomo :D
let me pay


Tomo :D


Tomo :D


. . . . . . . . . . .
"I think the shorts I have in my closet should be fine."
"Now that I think of it, I've never really gone out with friends.."
Kazuha walked into his closet, rummaging around for some shorts to beat the summer heat.
"I don't want to make this too awkward."
As Kazuha swiftly changed his outfit, he heard another vibrate from his phone.

|| 1 Notification ||
Tomo :D : im outside ur house, u can come out, no rush tho

Kazuha excitedly stepped down the stairs after having a glimpse of the notification, "Mom, I'm heading out with someone, is that okay!?"
Kazuha's mother was surprised, "What!? With who??" she yelled as she continued to knead her pastry dough.
"My friend, Tomo!"
"Oh? Well have fun then!"

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