Chapter One-Just An Ordinary Day

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It was a crisp autumn morning with a bit of a breeze and I woke up bright and early to the sunrise and my mom yelling at the damn dog because he barked at her dealer that came at the crack of dawn. Just an ordinary normal day. I got up, put my shoulder-length golden hair into a messy bun, threw some sweats over my pajamas that consist of booty shorts and a tank top, then I went down stairs into the kitchen to eat my breakfast. 

It was hard for me to reach my breakfast that is on the counter because I'm such a shorty. My breakfast contains of 1/1000000 of an almond that is still hard for me to fit in my mouth because its so small. It's also the only thing that my mother will let me have because she says it's all we can afford but it's really just because she spends all her money on drugs. After that filling meal I drink a sip of water then I'm off to my 5 mile morning run because I like to stay in shape. 

When I get back from my run I change my clothes and douse myself in a floral smelling perfume because I don't want to smell stinky.  I put on a tube top and a pair of skinny jeans. Usually after other girls  do this part of their routine they cake on a bunch of makeup, but I don't do that. The only thing I do to enhance my appearance is moisturize and put on mascara and chapstick  because I believe in natural beauty. and don't want to come off as trying to hard, like the other girls do.

Then I leave for school. This is what the full fit looks like:

 This is what the full fit looks like:

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When I get into the building I go straight to my locker because that's where my best friend, Jessica, and I meet every morning. When I arrived she looked very happy to see me. 

"Hey girlie, guess what!" She says, very excitedly.

"Chicken butt?" Right when I say that my crush Jakey passes right by me and Jessica. He laughed and said to his friend, "She's such a smol bean." I could feel my face start to flush when he said it. 

"Omg, he just called you a smol bean!! Anyways. what I was originally going to say was that I got us tickets to see my favorite band One Direction!" Jessica said that all with a smile on her face. I wasn't following. 

"To what?" I asked.

"One Direction?!?! The biggest boy band on the planet?" She explained.

"Ooh, I get it now, it's one of those silly boy band groups that you listen to. I would love to go with you, but I think I would just rather sit in my bed and read. I don't think I would really fit in at the concert because I don't really listen to music. But when I do I listen to unground artists that people never really know about, like Nirvana." I explained.

"Oh, please just come with me! I have no one else that would go with me. You can even bring your book and read the whole time, I don't care. I would love it if you would just be there. And the boys are pretty cute, too." 

"Oh, fine. When is it? Also, I don't think there could be cuter boys than Jakey."

"Great! It's tomorrow and I can pick you up around 7."


The rest of the school day was pretty boring but in PE we did dodgeball and Jakey was a team captain and chose me to be on his team. I wasn't much help though because I'm so small and weak. 

When I got home I did my homework then read for the rest of the day, like I do everyday. But then in the early evening someone knocked on the door. Usually when I hear knocking it gets answered quick because it's just my mom's dealer and she gets what she needs then he leaves. But this time that did not happen. It went on for a bit until Mom yelled for me to get it. So I did because I know what would happen if I didn't. I opened the door then was met with emerald green eyes looking into mine.


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