two adolescents vs one adolescent

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 Of course you already knew his roommate. He wouldn't be surprised if someone as social as you knew everyone. What was he expecting, for him to be your first friend? You're a fucking vampire. You must have been here for ages. It's so stupid.

"What are you doing here?" his roommate asks, a little vindicated his privacy was intruded upon with little to no warning. Rowan roughly takes a huff from his inhaler.

"The real question is, what are you doing here." you throw the question back to him.

"This is my room." Xavier says with as much vitriol a teenaged artist physically could in his voice.

"Dude, a weirdo's trespassing right now. We should tell the principal." you turn to Rowan.

Rowan's pretty sure you're just fucking around. Still, he has to make sure. "He's... my roommate."

You reach up to take off your sunglasses now that you're indoors. Thankfully, the curtains are shut so the sun isn't shining on your sensitive eyes when you do. "Are you sure? It could be an imposter." you squint at him.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Get the fuck out." Xavier threw a yellow pencil at you, missing by a meter. You almost started laughing.

"Okay, jeez." you let yourself be herded out by the two adolescents but before Xavier could shut the door on you, you stuck it open so you could get one last word in. "My room's 305 by the way. If you ever wanna stop by." Xavier huffs, pushing with all his strength to close it. You don't budge. Your arm doesn't even tremble. It's embarrassing to watch. "Bye Rowan." you smile, then finally slip out. The door slams at the unexpected loss of weight. Somebody shouts from across the hall in a mix of alarm and irritation.

A hush falls into the room. Xavier stares at Rowan, trying to form the words to properly describe what he's feeling. Shock, mildly aggravated, confused. He ends up only saying one word instead, unable to fully encapsulate it. "Why?"

It could mean so many things. Why did he befriend you? Why did you talk to him? Why did he bring you to their room?

The last one seems plausible so he replies, though a bit unsure. "They wanted to come here."

Xavier shakes his head at that and falls back into his bed in defeat.

"Why, what's up with that?" what's your problem? What's your history? He wants to ask, but refrains from doing so. Not to be polite, but from an irrational fear of finding out.

A long breath of exhale escapes Xavier's lungs. Rowan wonders if he's even gonna answer the question as the clock ticks by. Then, "I don't wanna talk about it."

The sound of Rowan using his inhaler is loud in the quiet expanse of space.

After fully unpacking his things and rearranging them until there was nothing to rearrange anymore, the timid peace that seemed to oh so carefully sew itself into the ambience came tumbling down by just a few rushed but light knocks.

"Don't open it." Xavier pleads. It must be you then. Rowan opens the door despite his roommate's whines.

"Hey, Rowan." you lean on the wall beside the door with your arms crossed. "It's dinner!" you shout that one at Xavier who's doing everything he can not to snap at you to protect his own dignity. He knows he won't win. Every interaction with you is a losing battle, simply because he cares too much and you, not at all. It's infuriating. "Don't keep your girlfriend waiting." you pull Rowan outside and slam the door, interrupting Xavier's she's not my-

He's starting to get familiar with the routine you two have. You drag him around, lead him to this and that like an obedient little puppy, and he- he doesn't know what he does actually. Listen to you? There's gotta be more than that.

"He has a girlfriend?" Rowan isn't that interested if he's being honest but it's something to talk about.

"Yeah." he noticed you don't carry your sunglasses anymore, not even fitted to your collar. Must be because it's dark already, though the sun in this area seems to go down faster than what's considered normal. Already looking like midnight at just 5 in the afternoon. "There's this one girl, super pretty. They're practically all over each other. Like, stay for more than a minute around them and they'll start making out without actually making out. It's freaky." the lamps you walk under have a yellow tint to them. It's flattering on your skin, though the way the shadows move under your eyes give it a somewhat eerie look. It's giving him mixed feelings.

"I don't think I wanna stay around to see that." he frowns. You bark out a laugh, lips stretched wide. He thinks your lips are redder than earlier and he blinks the thought away, uncomfortable at the revelation of how close he'd been watching you. The urge to ask about it is insistent and truth be told, he's never had great self control. "Your lips," he starts.

"Yeah? What about them? You flirting with me?" you bombard him with so many heavy hitting questions all at the same time. He almost doesn't elaborate.

"They have more color." he sputters out.

You self consciously touch them. "You mean they were pale earlier?" he panics. You sound like you're about to cry. He holds your shoulder in a gesture meant to be comforting, but ends up just looking like he's horribly imitating some move he saw in a movie. "I'm just kidding." you chuckle and he has the sudden urge to tackle you to the ground. He's starting to feel like you and Xavier don't have a rich history. That he's actually just annoyed by you in general. Rowan's certainly starting to get it.

"You're not very funny." he drops his hand.

"I make myself laugh."

The mild irritation surges him to march forward and open the entrance with a bit more force than necessary. You slip in before he could, smooth as a cockroach and bow to him like a demure noble lady thanking her gentlemanly spouse.

Rowan only realizes, as you drift from group to group handing out greetings, that you never did explain what was up with the coloring of your lips. Watching you make fast work of integrating him into a relatively calm if not quiet circle, he wonders if it's too late to ask.


AN: y/n likes to annoy the people around them. newbies get a 5 hour free trial and after that, no more limitations. rowan doesnt know what hes getting into hehe. rip xavier. he doesnt even try to warn him, he already knows y/n isnt letting go of rowan. hes a lost cause

tbh rowans a lot more mild here compared to the show, but its cuz its months before wed comes in ok, hes still trying to get used to how the academy works so hes keeping to himself. i will try to make him more creepy as the chaps progress promise <3

 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡𝑐𝘩 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐶𝑎𝑡 | rowan laslowWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt