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You sit hunched over open books littered into one big circle along with a handful of classmates. Hushed voices converse with one another. Some more frustrated than others and a few in contained tones of delight.

Exam week peers right around the corner to catch you at your weakest. Whatever you know won't be there and what isn't will be. The day before the actual examination is always worse. For those it matters to, the anticipation is a heavy snake lounging on their shoulders, hissing as the time closes in. A week. A day. An hour.

To you, it's an opportunity to form a little get together and have fun before break starts.

"I'll just flunk this." Ajax defeatedly throws his pen at the book. An expression only an individual who has truly given up and accepted the consequences sits on his face. Deathly serene. "My grades are gonna be fine," he says. You're not sure who he's trying to convince. "I copied everybody's work the whole time– thanks for that, by the way." multiple people make several sounds of acknowledgement. "So I'll pass either way."

"True." you encourage. "Let's go play Tekken." you're about to stand up and mess around with the gorgon when suddenly,

"Wait." Rowan pulls you back down. Good on him for recovering. Turns out he really wasn't dying. Like you said. "This word problem’s messing me up." you take a look and notice nothing amiss. "I'm following the solution but I feel like there's something wrong. It just doesn't feel right." you squint at the words, rereading them as carefully as you can. Ajax sees your focus completely shift to the task at hand. He wanders away so he doesn’t have to keep seeing you stick to Rowan like stale gum to shoe. He hopes you get in an argument and never talk to each other ever again. Or just straight up die. He's good with either.

Fucking couples.

"No, you did it right. See?" you tap on the paper.

"Really? Huh."

You look at him, trying to discern his intentions as he clicks his mechanical pencil open and continues writing. He seems completely absorbed in solving the next textbook equation but… hm. "I'm gonna go get some air." you announce and leave. You're alone outside, leaning over the railing and letting the air wash your lungs clean for about 20 seconds before Rowan comes sniffing right at your trail. He's not even trying to be subtle. "Fancy coincidence. You come here often?"

"Does that ever work?" he goes to stand beside you. The sleeves on his shirt brush against yours. You fill the meager distance and completely lean against him.

"I wouldn't know, I think you'll have to try it on me. Just to see." you playfully suggest with a foxy smile.

He braves eye contact with you, but inevitably loses to his weak temperament. Rowan looks down and away from the taunting sunglasses. "Nice try." he says, because he's not sure what he'd do if it escalated. You're just nice enough to let him have his out.

"Yeah, definitely not as good as yours. I can't believe I actually fell for that. Fuck's sake, you do most of my assignments for me." you huff out a chuckle. A smile creeps up on his face at that. For someone who's been caught red handed, he looks awfully satisfied with himself. "Of course you didn't need my help." you defeatedly lay your head on his shoulder.

"When did you realize?" he asks.

"Not fast enough." you grimace.

You feel his shoulders shake as he laughs boyishly. Disgruntled, you get off. Almost subconsciously, he follows you as if he can't go another second without being completely plastered into you.You cease to a halt and he tenses. You open your mouth, a teasing remark or maybe a foxy question stirring in the back of your throat. Can't get enough of me, can you? Or something like that. But you see the look on his face and shut it, preferring to think before you talk this time. He's embarrassed, just now noticing how needy he was acting. But more importantly, he's braced for your reaction.

 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡𝑐𝘩 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐶𝑎𝑡 | rowan laslowWhere stories live. Discover now