4th Chapter: Consequences Of Loving The Monster

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Sam's p.o.v

I had been out for days the last thing I remember is being tied to the bed Theo had given me no water just food.

But that didn't bother me I just couldn't lose this baby. As I gotten free of the ropes I pulled myself from the bed and hobbled to the window.

I opened the curtains theos red mustang was gone from the driveway so I thought of a plan I began to pack all my belongings into my grey suit case "finally I'm going to be a free woman" or so I thought.

As I began to make my way downstairs towards the front door it swung open "and where do you think you're going?" Theo asked.

I gasped and I tried to run away but he caught me by the arm and dragged me upstairs he held me tightly "you want to leave me then fucking leave!" he shouted before pushing me down three flights of stairs.

I closed my eyes tightly and let out a shriek of a scream as I ended up at the bottom of the stairs I hit my head I felt darkness cloud my vision I had gone on conscious.

Maybe if I hadn't tried to leave again I wouldn't have gotten hurt these were the consequences of loving a monster who I thought loved me all these years.

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