5th Chapter :getting rid Of the Monster

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Sam's p. o. v
I had woken up in the hospital I didn't know how many days I had been out for my memory was all a blur all I can remember is hitting my head my head was pounding from the pain as I was about to close my eyes again I felt a strong grip on my hand I looked to my right to see Theo.

Something was telling me to scream for help but I simply just ignored it and smiled weakly at Theo "my darling you had a great big nasty fall you'll have to stay here for a couple of days so the doctors can make sure your okay" Theo told me softly.

Some part of me believed him that I had actually fallen no matter how hard I tired nothing was coming back to me.

After a couple of weeks I had been discharged from the hospita you see I had begun to get help from this lovely doctor out side of town Dr Michaels my god he was charming his green eyes and brown hair he was an angel sent from heaven to help me get my memory back from the past events that landed me in the hospital.

My memory finally came back to me I remembered every single little detail including of loosing my baby something snapped inside of me that day

I was going to finally get my revenge and get rid of the monster my plan was simple i was going to kill my husband

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