3rd Chapter Escaping The Monster

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I remember it just like it was yesterday me telling theo I was pregnant with his baby his reaction was petryfing.

He grabbed his  leather belt and hit me repeatedly I remember his words clear as day "you stupid cow how dare you cheat on me who was it huh? was it Thomas or maybe Andrew!" he shouted I remember his breath stinking of alcohol the smell of whisky made me feel ill.

Over the next couple of days when theo arrived back from the pub he beat me senseless I couldn't take no more of the abuse so I went to the police but they never belived me "ma'm we can't do anything about this for the moment we're sorry now let's get you home, your husband Mr Taylor is a good man " one of the officers replied. "let's get you home" the other said.

As I was escorted home Theo had been waiting for me at the door step "darling I was so worried about you, thank you officers" Theo had said with the fakest smile ever, the officers just smiled "it's no problem Mr Taylor we're just glad Sam is in good hands" officer Mike said. If theo hadn't been gripping my shoulder so tightly that afternoom I would have spat at him.

When the police officers finally left and we're out of sight i knew that this time I was going to be really in for it now why did I try and think about ever leaving the house

poison love Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon