All for the love of a boy

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Love is hard isn't it ? Well for some it isn't so hard , but those idiots definitely don't get that kind of luck .

Wanting someone you cannot have is hard ,  someone you can't see , touch or talk to how you want . It is hard , however to Kazutora this truth had hit him long ago , but what happenens to him when he sees a  petite half blonde and black haired boy hanging around?

On the other hand Baji can talk to , touch and see him all he wants and love him all he can , without the other knowing of course, he didn't and does not have the courage to seem to say it openly , but who does ?

In a war started for nothing more than a crazy suductive feelings of two teenagers , a fire awakes burning down their hearts and all what there is left .

  *Who will win him ?*

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