Kentucky's backstory (my au❗️❗️)

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Topics this story has:Death, alc•hol, family issues.
If your sensitive to these plz skip!!

"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!" Yelled Kentucky's friends
Kentucky was feeling like sh!t and was ready to give up but his father's words were repeating in his head.

"Don't be a p#ssy Kentucky"

"I-it hurts so muc-much....."

Were his last thoughts before he passed out, after a few hours he woke up in his house.

"W-why I-is it so c-c-cold?" He said.

He looked at the temperature.

"90 degrees?" He said shocked

He went to look in the mirror to see if anything was wrong. When he looked into the mirror he was shocked he was a pale blue and looked like he had died.

Wait....... did he?

"Then how am I walking?!" He yelled at the thought of him being dead.

"I need to find out-" but his thought was cut off by the front door slamming shut.

"Shit shit!" He whispered

"LEO YOUNG COME HERE!" His father yelled

"I have to leave." Kentucky thought

He then started packing his stuff while his father was looking for him, once he was done he went to his widow and opened it but then his heart stopped

"LEO! COME HERE!" It was his father

But before his father could get to him, he jumped out of the window and ran like hell, once he stopped he was miles away from his home and he just kept walking and walking

It went like this for a couple of days. It was a few weeks later

"I need food" Kentucky said looking around to see if anyone was there to give him food or-

"Hey are you ok?" Someone had asked him, when he looked up he saw a very tanned man with curly brown hair, eyes the color of chocolate, and the man had one of the thickest Georgian accents he had every heard.

"N-no I just ran away from home...." Kentucky replied looking down.

"Well how about I take you to get some food and a drink?" The kind man asked him pulling out his hand so Kentucky could get up.

"T-thank so much sir!" Kentucky replied

But when he grabbed the man's hand both their hands were ice cold, they looked at each other in disbelief, but both brushed it off and went to grab a bite to eat

"So, why did you run away?" The man asked.

"Well, my ma got some sense and ran away and my pa is an achie" Kentucky replied pausing from eating.

"Sorry to hear that kiddo, do you have somewhere to stay?" He asked Kentucky.

"No, wait why are you asking me all these questions?" Kentucky asked.

"Well, you see I work at a place for misplaced teens and children, and I was wondering if you would like to stay there for a bit?" The man confessed then asked Kentucky.

"Really?! Y-yes please!" Kentucky replied happily.

"Ok then come with me!" The man said getting up.

"Also I never got your name?" The man continued.

"My name is Leo young sir, what about you?" Kentucky replied then asked.

"My names Joseph Davis, but my friends call me Georgia!" The man said happily while grabbing Kentucky's hand.

They walked for a bit until Kentucky saw a big house it was about 5 stories high.

"Wow your house is big!" Kentucky said with amazement.

"Yea I get that a lot." Joseph said while opening the door to the house.

"Hey peaches" said a man with jet black hair, gray eyes, with scars all around his face and hands, and who also had the thickest New York accent Kentucky had heard.

"Hey York!" Joseph said going to hug the man.

"Oh this is Leo! He ran away from home, so I brought him back." He said while winking at the other man.

"Oh, well hi I am Vincent, but my friends call my York or New York." The other man said while pulling his hands out to shake mine.

"Hi sir!" I said while shaking his hand and seeing a few more people walk into and out of rooms.

"How many people live here?" Kentucky asks.

"Including me,York, and you 16 people!" Georgia said.

"Wow...." Kentucky said in amazement.

"I'll get you the head of the house!" Georgia said while dragging New York along.

Kentucky just stood there picking at his hands, until a man in a blue suit came up to him.

"So your Kentucky, right?" The man asked, Kentucky was confused, because he never told anyone where he was from, so how did he know?

"Oh no it's Leo sir-" Kentucky tried to correct him but was then cut off by the man in the blue suit.
"Yea yea come with me." The man said while pulling him to a room.

"W-where are we?" Kentucky asks confused.

"Well your dead"the man in the suit said blankly.

"What?!" Kentucky replies freaking out then getting cut off again.

"Yea yea bah bah bah you are now Kentucky bah bah bah welcome to statehouse bah bah bah"the man in the suit said acting like it's all a big joke.

"We are sorry Leo but yes you are all of Kentucky now" Georgia said looking at Kentucky sadly, but then everything went black and Kentucky couldn't hear anything.

"Hello!" He heard some say, he looked around and saw someone who had a yellow and blue eyes, had dirty blonde hair, and almost looked exactly like him.

"Who are you?" Kentucky asked confused.

" I am you but northern!" Said the blonde man.

"Woah, where did you come from?" Kentucky asked.

"I'm not sure, but now I am a part of you!" Northern Kentucky replied.

" that's cool, but why did you say it like that?" Kentucky asked.

Northern Kentucky laughs while Kentucky was freaking out, but then he snapped back into reality.

"LEO!" Georgia was yelling and shaking him.

"W-what happened?!" He asked confused.

"You blacked out and fell" replied New York.

"O-oh I am sorry-" Kentucky said while trying to get up, but then falling to the ground.

"Stop you need to sit down for a bit, ok?" Said Georgia.

"Fine" replied Kentucky while sitting upright.

Kentucky has been at the statehouse ever since and has loved it he's found family and a lover, and he won't have I any other way.


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