My Shark (Attuma)

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*minor spoiler alert: characters from Wakanda Forever*
Chelsea  really should've paid more attention to the stories her grandmother told her about pretty women who go by the ocean and are snatched up by merman. But in Chelsea's defence, she was not fully all there at the moment. She found her fiancé in bed with another woman and before she could think to stop herself she ran out the room and out the hotel. She ran along the beach til she reached a quiet corner away from the noise of the resorts.

Sliding to her knees, Chelsea buried her face in her hands as she sobbed. She did not care who would hear her, not that anyone would. Unknowingly, chelsea has ran to an almost deserted part of the beach. She rubs her eyes, trying to clear up some of the tears that clouded her vision. She saw a figure in the water but didn't even think twice about it. She's by a resort: it's probably another guest. One who is going for a midnight swim.

The tears stop for a bit, enough for Chelsea to gather herself. She removes her slippers and glasses,  placing her phone down along with her dress. Wading into the cool water, Chelsea goes deep enough that she can sit with her upper chest and head above the water. She was lucky
To find an area free of any sharp rocks or broken shells.

The water seems to embrace her, cooling her hot skin as she sits, allowing her mind to wander. She closes her eyes, listening to the soft rumble of the ocean.

However, her eyes immediately flash open at feeling something that definitely isn't seaweed touch her. She looks to see what is touching her. She prays it's a fish or some marine life. She gasps as she looks to see the skeletal head of a shark appear near her. The shock morphs into terror as the head of a man appears, rising from the water. There is no time to scream as she is pulled under the water, her nose instantly being filled. Kicking, Chelsea tries to get away but this man or monster has a tight hold on her ankle and will not let go. Her lungs burn from holding her breath and her already blurry vision is becoming speckled with black dots.

It goes dark, the last thing chelsea remembering is the blurry outline of a man.
Attuma looks at the woman laying on his bed. He takes her appearance in. Her skin is tanned, almost looking like the sand and her hair is in long blonde braids. Her lips are plump and Attuma longs to kiss them. She's curvy as well, a hidden strength to her figure but still soft. He notices tattoos on her skin, the beautiful artwork covering her left arm and right thigh.

She groans, Attuma looking at her. Slowly her eyes open and she squints, turning away from him as she pats around. Attuma wonders if she's looking for those gold glasses—Namor had to tell him the name—that was sitting on her dress. He gently picks them up, walking back over to her and places them on her face. She blinks before screaming and scrambling to the corner of the bed.

"W-Who are you?!"


She stares before looking around. She looks back at him, eyes holding fear as she tries to make herself smaller. Attuma frowns before noticing she shivers. He stands, walking over to where a servant Girl brought him a pile of clothes for her. He walks back over, offering it to her. She doesn't move and Attuma slowly places it down on the bed.

He stands and leaves the room. He goes to find his king for advice.
Chelsea doesn't know where she is but right now all she knows is she is cold and the mystery man offered her clothes. She examined them first, sniffing them to make sure there was no offending smell. There's none so she reluctantly gets dressed. Removing her soaked bikini, she pulls the soft clothing on. She was given a plain dark blue coloured tube dress with a shawl of some sort. She pulls it on, covering herself as she looks around.

The room is plain—minus the bed and the nightstands—and a bit cool. She hears the door open and turns to see the man from earlier. He's tall—at least 6'2"—and muscular. He wears clothes that look straight out the pages of her childhood textbooks about the Mayans. His eyes are dark—like a shark—and watches her closely.

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