Mission of a Reaper

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Authors note -Just to say these 2 chapters are Prologues.

Waking up was nice. I slept like the dead. It was about 6am the usual time I wake up. I look to the side of the bed where I left my new weapon to make sure everything is real.

It's still there. The dark as night handle and the blood red blade. I sigh and I look down and see a new note

Morning Gakushuu
So here's what you need to know. First you are the only one working in Japan. One reaper per country. Don't worry we all have teleportation powers to go where ever.

Your weapon you know how to use naturally but since you summoned it you have to turn it into something natural you keep on you at all times . Like jewelry is the best and most common thing for Reapers or Shikigamis is more common in Japan huh.

I smile and pick up my weapon. It's light in my hand and it feels natural. I imagine it on me and it dissipates and becomes a ring. It's a simple black ring with a red line going through. I put it on and goi back to reading the note.

Also there is the monthly National Reaper meetings where you will meet the boss on earth grell. Right now though you are stuck on earth and won't be removed until your finally truly happy and the gods have forgiven you. Grell whose over 300 years on this earth for example hasn't been retired since he has never found happiness. Also it's impossible to harm you

One final note you will get missions that come through portal mail which is just a small portal that appears with a letter.  Thanks we won't talk again see you in a couple hundred years bye.


I drop the letter as it catches on fire after I finish reading it.  So to sum it up I just have to meet the requirements to finally leave this earth. I can do that .

The immortality, weapon and outfit are useful I can deal with that. I don't know what these missions entail but I have a feeling I will find out soon.

I look at myself and imagine my outfit again just to properly see it. It  still looks the same with Dark pants, a dark brown trenchcoat and a Black turtle neck. It is nice if I'm being honest not something most people would imagine a reaper to wear.

I turn to the mirror and almost fall. My eyes are blank white. There's nothing there at all. "What the actual fuck!". I whisper to myself. I quickly snap out of the outfit and put a black hoodie on.

I get out with some money and run to the store with the hoodie covering my eyes. I know I look weird to the passerbys. I mean a 9 year old kid with a hoodie running at 9am. I look insane!.

I run into a small store and run to the health section. I quickly find colored contacts and grab them. I pay for them with my head down and the cashier looking at me weirdly.

After paying I go the bathroom and put the contacts in. Thankfully they had my eye color.

I walk out and get back home. I lay down but quickly realize I have hundreds of pages of homework due in 3 days when the principal gets back from his work trip.

I let the hours past as I continue my work.

By the time it hits 9 I'm almost done when something appears in front of me. It's a letter.

I open it and read it.

Heyo new Reaper welcome to hell on earth. I'm grell your new boss! Now the letters introducing yourself to the reapers are a little outdated because gods weird. We don't use IDL or inter dimensional letters anymore. We use texting like a regular person nowadays so under the letter is everyone's number.

Also here's your mission.

Thanks bye cutie~

My supervisor is weird. I sigh and add the numbers to my phone and check out my new mission. It's to Reap a failed Suicide that was supposed to be successful. It also says here that I will have a daily quota of at least 100 souls preferably gotten at night.

I close the file and snap to change into my reaper outfit

My throat dries up as I look at the failed Suicide person. Her name is Sakura Ying a 17 year old girl.

Shes just like me except she won't come back. She's gonna be permanently dead. I look at her location that has a hospital name and I teleport there.

I end up in a white room with a little couch and the usual machines and there in the middle on the bed is Sakura. She's bruised and bandaged up. It looks like she tried to jump off a building to die.

That of course is incredibly stupid some drugs will do alot of good. She looks calm and peaceful. On the chair on the side of the bed is a old woman looking it be her mother. She's sleeping.

I am glad I'm invisible right now because I don't think I could do this with her mother seeing me. I bring out my sythe and and look at her pale but alive face one last time.

I swing the sythe across her neck. There's a wound for just a moment before it disappears and the machine goes flat line.

I turn around before I can see the mother wake up and start screaming and crying for a doctor. There's no chance as the doctors run in and try to bring her back.

My eyes get blurry with tears and I get out of the room. Leaving the mother's cries for her daughter to come back deaf to my ears.

The rest of the night is a blur as I go around and reap the souls of the dead. The screams of the mother still ringing in my ears.

I get back to my room and lay down refusing to let myself cry.

How could I do this for hundreds of years.

My phone dings and I look and it's a message from Claire, Leo and Philip.

The reapers from the US , mexico and Canada in one group chat.

Leo- hey Newbie I'm sorry the first time is always the roughest.

Philip- Yeah it's hard to even process your actually dead still even then.

Claire - if you need anything let us know ok kid.

I smile as I read the messages in English

Gakushuu- thanks

I turn off my phone and close my eyes glad I'm not alone in this responsibility

Author note- next chapter and last of the prologue. Actually met my quota this time. As always Comment please comments are my favorite thing and check out my others works. Especially the Harry Potter one I work to hard on that one. Also I just realized that even though I prefer to write fluff or action fics I'm the best at writing angst.

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