Chapter 2:Emergency Meeting

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P.A. System:Code red, code red! Attention all Disney characters at Oh My Disney, please report immediately to the main assembly hall. This is an emergency meeting. I repeat, this is a code red emergency meeting!

All the Disney Characters were assembled as the announcement was made.Mickey Mouse took the stage to calm everyone down while they were murmuring loudly.

Mickey Mouse: Order! Order! Yes, I know it's late everybody but I'm... oh really! Sir Charles. Hello, hello Tigger , how are you, nice to see you! Cinderella and General Grawl, there you are! All right, quiet now please, everyone pay attention. There has been a kidnapping of a child.
Mickey Mouse: A young boy named Antonio Madrigal needs our help.And according to our calculations he's been taken by two of the most notorious criminals, The Stabbington Brothers...

As Mickey Mouse continued, Barley Lightfoot was  concerned about where his little brother Ian and Isabela Madrigal were so he asked Ariel, his girlfriend, who was sitting beside him.

Barley:*whispers* Psst, babe.
Ariel:*whispers* Yeah Barley?
Barley:Where's Ian and Isabela? They're supposed to be here.
Ariel:Oh, they're actually on a date.
Barley:What? Where?
Ariel:They're at that new place called "Strange World."
Barley:Well what are we waiting for? Come on we gotta find them.

Barley and Ariel snuck out of the meeting to look for Ian and Isabela.Meanwhile in Strange World Ian and Isabela both sat next to each other as they stared at the beautiful view from on the roof of the Clade Family's farm house.

Isabela:Ian isn't this wonderful? I wish this could never end.
Ian:Ah... yeah.. yeah.. ah.. won... wonderful.
Isabela:You've been very quiet since we got here. Is there something on your mind?
Ian:Well, um... actually... I, ah... I was wondering.... [he reaches into his pocket]
Isabela:Yes, Ian?
Ian:Uh...Never mind.

Suddenly, Isabela smiled as she scooted closer to Ian making him blush little bit then she kissed his cheek. Before they could kiss each other on the lips Barley and Ariel called their names from a far away distance, causing them to stop and turn their heads in their direction.

Isabela:Hey you guys! What's wrong?
Ariel:There's been another kidnapping!
Ian:Another one?
Isabela:Who's been kidnapped this time?
Barley:Okay, don't freak out Isabela but...Uh...
Ariel:It's okay Barley.I'll tell her.

As soon as Ariel whispered in Isabela's ear she gasped and began to freak out.

Isabela:WHAT?! My little primo was kidnapped by a couple of chicos malos?!
Barley:Yeah, everyone's freaking out about it.
Ian:Aw man, poor little Antonio.Who kidnapped him?
Ariel/Barley:The Stabbington Brothers!
Ian:The Stabbington Brothers? No way!
Barley:Yes way! Come on we gotta go now!

As Ian, Isabela, Barley, and Ariel all made their way back to the assembly hall everyone cheered at the sight of them.

Mickey Mouse:Here they are everybody!
Isabela:Everyone, we have an important announcement.Ian and I have to decided to except the mission to Australia.
Ian:*whispers* Isabela did you say Australia?
Isabela:Yes and you haven't heard the best part we're not going on this mission alone, Ian.
Isabela:Nope.Barley and Ariel are coming with us!
Ian:That's awesome! Wait, do they know yet?
Isabela:No they don't.I want it to be a surprise!

As Isabela spoke into the microphone again everyone stopped applauding.

Isabela:And furthermore, I promise everyone, my family and most of all my tía Pepa to find Antonio, bring him home and The Stabbington Brothers to justice!

Later, after the meeting was over, Isabela was packing her two suitcases in her bedroom before hugging her family goodbye.Ian and Barley were packing their suitcases and saying goodbye to their mom and their step father, Officer Bronco, and Ariel said goodbye to her Princess friends.After everyone said their goodbyes, they came up with a plan on how to get to Australia.

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