End - Chapter 67

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It has been thirty minutes since my gaze  locked on the clock hanging in our bedroom. Another five more minutes till it strikes midnight.

I didn't assume he would take this challenge so seriously. A part of me thought it was cute, the way he respected my decision and abide by its rules. Another part of me can't help but curse at how he didn't just go against it.

Did I mention how hard it is to be near that man and not be able to touch him? I bet I did. Anyone with eyes would agree with me. Even more when he behaves so adorable and lovable, it took plenty of energy to refrain myself from breaking my own rules.

I swallowed my saliva as I took a peek at him. His eyes glued on the clock as well.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.



"Don't you ever create another challenge like this one."

I chuckle at his words. He can be rest assured I've learnt my lesson.

Only three more minutes.

Taking another glance at him, I let out a sigh just at how dashing he looked, with just a simple t-shirt and shorts on. I can't help but recall how I could only imagine meeting him in person in the past, till now that he is right in front of me, promising a whole future with me. I rested my head on the cushion, and a small smile crept its way up my lips as I admired him.

His gaze moved from the clock to me just as I let out the sigh, and I watched as he smiled warmly back at me from the armchair at the corner of the room.

"You're beautiful."

My smile spread wider at his compliment as my gaze followed his when he leaned back on the chair, still looking at me.

'Thank you'

Winking at him as I watch a grin spread across his lips. Taking a quick glance back at the clock to see another two minute left.

"Never thought time passed so slowly."

I heard him chuckle as he commented, and I turned my attention back to him and chuckled along.

'We can turn the needle and pretend it's twelve'

I suggested playfully while he shook his head laughing.

"Should've done that way earlier."

He pointed out, and I nodded my head along. Definitely should have done that way earlier.

'Why are you even following this stupid rule I made!?'

I grumbled as I watched the clock ticks to another minute.

"Of course I would follow your rules, Haeryn."

I bit my lips after hearing him stating it out matter of factly.


Tilting my head to take a closer look at him, maybe it's the way he said it that got me even more curious.

"...because it's you. Of course, I'll respect and follow your decisions."

I smiled, satisfied at the answer he gave.

'Even if it's stupid rules and games like this?'

He nodded silently as he rested his head against his hand, all the while looking at me.


I grin and ask again.

"...because you're worth it."

My smile widened as the clock struck twelve.


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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