Chapter 8

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Barcode's pov :

Finding out that Jeff's my mate, has been great.

He spoils me all the time.

He visits me much more than ever.

I know my heat is coming soon, because my mom kept preeching about it.

Jeff has also become more touchy.

I think he can feel that it's coming.

No we haven't done anything more than kiss, but I think I might be ready.

He doesn't rush me or take it further than my lower back, but sometimes I wish he'd do it.

Grope me or pull me into his lap when we kiss.

I'm brought out head, by Jeff kissing me on my cheek.

"what's going on Code?"

"getting a lil lost in your thoughts" he says.

"yea lost that you not kissing me"

"haha" Jeff says, kissing me again.

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