Our Collision

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The day has finally come , our souls will be entangled for eternity . We would announce Our deceptive vows infront of this outrageous world.
I've accepted my sentence yet My thoughts are still a swirling mass of confusion and pain .

I raised my exhaustive eyes and peeked at my mirror , the blurriness start to disappeare and I was startled by my reflection , even if my heart was completely hollow the sparkle in my eyes covered up my raw lies perfectly , I did look appealing to some extent , I was wearing a red velvet long dress with a slit , this later hugged my hips perfectly and tightened my waistline in a very uncomfortable way , it wasn't my choice to begin with , it was Vanessa's , yeah Vanessa is my step mom , chocking I know she is even younger than my brother Marco , truth be told she is not the typical golddigger blonde girl , she can be so bitchy sometimes , but she had never hurt me or any of my brothers , she must had had her reasons to opt for a loveless marriage to an obnoxious man , I could never wish to be in her shoes , papà can be very demanding . He'd never looked at her in the eyes with love or admiration , he was merely enjoying her young body lustfully .

My voluminous , reddish-orange hair was stroking my back gently , tickling my silky skin . I bit my lips anxiously , I was so pale under my dim light , so I coloured my lips with my crimson lipstick , in a last attempt to enliven my featureless face .

Abruptly , the door was pulled open , Anglo stood framed in the doorway , cheking me suspiciously .
-" I heard him , I heard him talking on the phone , he was murmuring something about you sofie , tell me you won't go away , you won't leave us " his voice quavered with rage , Anglo was just one year older than me .

I run towards him trying to hold my tears back , not today , Not ever .

-"oh my dear , I'm right here , look at me , I would never leave you , you are my buttercup remember ! This is just a typical meeting and papà wants to indulge me in his business finally , nothing to worry about " I sighed , the bound between me and Angelo is unbreakable , he is my little brother even if he is older , Some people are so lucky that their hearts stay young no matter how old they get .

I clung tightly to his forearm , and together we walked down the hallway ,
my brothers were waiting for me ,
Marco was holding hands with Elena , they looked madly in love ,
He was wearing a navy bleu suit and she was wearing a baby bleu dress , it wasn't a revealing kind of dresses , she was always elegant and classy . I envied her ...

"You Look stunning , can't believe that my babysister has grown up " carlo said with a fake smirk then he hugged me tightly

-" You look like a tomatto " Sergio teased , I hit him playfully over the head

-" oh please your beauty is heavenly " Elena assured me with her eyes .
" Come on , Don't make the guests wait any longer , it is not like we want to upset your futur husband , do we ? " my father interrupted us firmly

-" coming papà"

my pulse quicken , my knees were shaking , wearing high heels was just making things worse .

With trembling steps we headed toward the backyard , the scene was surreal : white lights , candles and rose petals run all over the place , everything seemed so real yet all of this was made up by liars .

All eyes were turned to my dirction , I was the limelight for the first time in my life , a freezing breeze kissed my nape lightly and sent shiver down my my spine .

In the midset of these valueless souls , I was suffocated by the intensity of their stares , I turned my gaze to ...

Oh gosh this is the end of me .

Dazzling , Golden , honey eyes were pinned on me , his gaze was stripping me off , He furrowed his eyebrows and stared right to my raw soul .
Those eyes were screaming divinity !

He stole the air from my lungs , I blushed unintentionally and he just smirked viciously.

He was at least 6'3 feets , he was wearing a lavishing all-black suit , This man looks like a greek God , he was big and brawny , his sharp jaw was sculpted flawlessly . His hair was nicely combed.
He definitely had a charming musculine aura .

Now This is a Man !!

Fortunately I manged to turn my eyes away of his after I had lost count of minutes , trapped in his maze .

My father pushed me Forward with his hand on my back
" Don't fuck this up " he mumbled faking a smile that didn't reach his ice-colded eyes .

Elena stiffened next to me , Marco held her closer and then kissed her passionately .

-" Bro you'd just aroused Satan " carlo said through clenched jaw , Oh shit ...

I flinched when a rough hand gripped my wrist and I almost groaned from pain , I turned around to see ... Him and only him .

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