You're Ei's new puppet, Kunikuzushi develops warm feelings for you. Part 2.

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Spiciness lvl: there is a place for me in hell here, guys.

Before you start reading:
- Speech -

- "Thoughts" -

[Author's warnings, explanations, markings etc.]


[2 years later]

Two years have passed and a lot of things have changed in this short time, mostly of course these changes were related to Kunikuzushi and [Y/N]. Due to the fact that Ei devoted more time to her new creation, this marked the beginning of Kuni's doubts, his jealousy grew by leaps and bounds, until one day he "exploded", after which he and Ei finally had a conversation, they talked heart to heart and resolved all differences, dispelled boy's doubts because, after all, he was still the beloved first son.

[Y/N] received Ei's knowledge a little earlier than Kunikuzushi back in his days, but it didn't seem to make any significant difference. Of course, their further growth and personality formation no longer depended on Ei herself, she didn't control it, trying to give human-like freedom to her creations. However, during all this time [Y/N] never called Ei her mom, she had a different attitude to this, than Kunikuzushi, as a "creature" and "creator", no more. She respected Ei and was grateful for a new life filled with amazing things, but the further her knowledge deepened, the more truth she learned about this world, which hurt her a little...

The chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves were constantly interrupted by heavy and very loud bangs of bamboo on bamboo, the two fought with each other being completely focused on the battle, their movements were almost identical, their breathing seemed synchronized, but one of them still lost to the other, how so...
- You're not getting any better at all, - a man's voice sounded with a note of mockery, accompanied by a slight smirk on his face, - what a pity, huh... maybe you've already reached your limit, lil sis? - he lowered his bamboo "sword".

[He always uses "little sister" just to tease her]

- Stop it already, don't you see i'm trying? - the girl's voice sounded as she tried to even out her breathing, causing a slight chuckle from the boy, - you only make me angry and confuse me with your stupid jokes, - she snorted looking at the boy's contented face.
- Oh, is that so? - he shook his head, - we studied the same technique, and you still can't hold your breath properly. Not gonna lie, i just don't understand how it is even possible. Should i teach you a few lessons then? - that satisfied grin appeared on his face. Again. Which, it seems, caused the girl offense, as if he is laughing at the fact that she is weaker than him.
She made an offended face and, without saying anything at his words, went to the counter and returned the bamboo "sword" to its place.

- "So silly and naive, hehe" - while she was standing with her back to him she slightly giggled from her own thoughts, of course no one noticed that, - "his self-confidence surely is growing big" - she quickly returned that offended face when he came up to her to put his "bamboo" sword back in its place as well, she turned resentfully, only snorting again, and began to walk away from him, - "but it's so nice to see him this happy... quite amusing..."
- H-hu-..? - he noticed her moves, - w-wait where are you going? - he wanted to stop her, but she was already beyond arm's length.
- I want to take a walk, - she said coldly, stopping but not turning around.
- Can i go wi‐... - he wanted to say, but...
- Alone, - she cut him off in mid-sentence and then continued walking.

He sighed, looking after her, and then followed [Y/N] with his arms crossed over his chest, just silently following her and not trying to hide, yep just like that, but she didn't say anything either and just walked.

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