Chapter 1

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 HER FATHER GOT TIRED. Simone in some way understood she could be a pain for him, but sending her off to some boarding school was not something she thought he was capable of. Sure, having your child blacking out from time to time and appearing in the most random places wasn't normal, but not a good enough reason for her.

 She started to pack her things. "I still don't understand how they could help me with the blackouts", she commented over her shoulder and put her panda plushie in her trunk. "It feels more like you're trying to pass the problem to someone else".

 Her father sighed. "You'll--".

 Her eyes glowed with yellow, "I'll understand when I get there, yeah of course", interrupting him and rolling her eyes.

 Her father scoffed, "Just because you know what am about to say doesn't mean you've got to do that all the time". Not only was he tired of her blackouts but also annoyed by her ability.

 Simone was a special kind of outcast; a Predictor. Predictors have the ability of seeing 5 minutes into the future around them, which comes in pretty handy in daily situations.

"Well, it sure does make conversations go faster", she said, tucking one of her curls behind her ear.

 She put her laptop in the trunk. "Anyway, why would they accept a student in the middle of the school year?", she asked.

 He leaned against her room's door frame. "I've made the arrangements for that, and it seems you won't be the only one. The director told me there would be another student in your same predicament."

 Though they probably don't have problematic blackouts.

 Simone continued to pack her clothes," When is the cab coming to pick me up?"

 Her father tapped his fingers on the door frame," 2pm, and don't forget your mother's books. They may be useful in the future".

 "Of course they will", she put them neatly in a corner of the trunk.

 He walked towards her and grabbed her shoulders, looking at her straight in the eye." You're smart, just like your mother was", she looked away." She may not be here to teach you the things you should know about yourself, but I have no doubt you'll be able to learn them on your own".

 Her father patted her shoulders." Am sure you'll figure it out, Mone. I believe in you", he smiled in nostalgia.

If only I had the same hope you have in me

~ ~ ~

 The cab arrived at their destination; Nevermore Academy. From her window Simone could observe her new home for the next months; it was a quite old and ginormous castle slash school with ample green grounds and an overcast sky. If she had to describe it simply, she'd say it was Dracula's castle.

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