me Colby Sam and kat have been friends since middle I would say but I've only knew kat for 2 years kat is sam's girlfriend shes really cool. Sam is basically my brother were half siblings same dad different mom bc my mom decided to leave me with my dad but I would visit from time to time but she just wasn't there for me so I stayed with my dad for like ever and barely talked to my mom which was the best option I've ever made in my life.

but my mom wasn't a mom I wanted she would just sit there on her ass and drink and bring her boyfriends to the house which was very annoying having boys in and out of the house her last boyfriend was the last person I would ever talk to again he did things to me when my mom wasnt wound tried to touch me but being daddy's little girl I fucked him up I would never let that man touch me EVER!

after that insident we never talked again this was all up until 6th grade those years were rough until I met my brother Sam he was the first person I wanted to talk to when I got home we were inseperble we did everything together until he started to date kat but we still hung out A LOT which was odd I thought he was gonna leave me for kat but he didn't he stayed around I made a best friend which is his girlfriend obviously bc she was cool and whay else does he want me to do give her the side eye and the resting birch face and just hate her well he thought wrong.

I am now a 9th grader and Sam and Colby and kat are too I met colby only a few years ago when I first met him he was so handsome like I wanted to marry that man his blue eyes his dark brown hair was just ugh come on and marry me already but I didn't push it bc I had just met him and now we're the best friends that you've never seen me and Colby have a lot in common but so do me and sam just to let you know that I would never leave Sam for Colby I would never do that it's wrong and sams my brother.

this one time me Colby and Sam were just walking down to the park at 12:00 bc why not and (yes ok this is not part of the story but just pls trust the process) and just walking until we got the park I looked at Sam and said "yo Sam who TF is that?!" he looked over by the swings there was just a person sitting there with their hood up Sam looked back at me and said "idk y/n he looked at Colby like they had to kill somebody I just looked at them and said "we can just go home we don't have to stay you guys" I said with fear Sam and Colby just looked at me and Colby had said "yeah let's just go" then we just walked home.

After we got back to me and sams house I went and layed in the guest bedroom that Colby was staying in bc I was still scared so I looked at both is them and said before heading upstairs "hey guys I'ma go to bed I'm getting tired" Sam and Colby both had said okay them not knowing that I was going to Colby's room I had to grab a hoodie bc I just grabbed colbys bc I didn't feel like walking all the way just to come back to his room and then i put on the shorts I had in his room which I don't know why there in here I layed down and went to bed.

Couple minutes go by and Colby walks in I wake up still kinda asleep until I seen him walk in I sat up and said "oh shit my bad!" he turned around then said "no no it's okay you looked pretty cute sleeping in my hoodie" I never felt so loved in my life but then I stopped him again saying "hey can you come and lay down with me?" he smiled and just layed down next to me I cuddled up close to him and fell asleep  right next to him he had put his arm around me while I slept which was really nice and I liked it.

when I woke up Colby had gotten up without me waking up which was surprising cuz before I met Colby I used to sleep with Sam bc on how scared I was with all these people just scaring me but I got kicked out by Sam cuz thats when he started dating kat but I still love Sam as my brother and always will till I fucking die but now I have Colby which is gonna be hard to explain to Sam for me cuz it's really hard for my to explain stuff to him without over reacting but we'll see how this goes ill just text him.

(Texting Sam)

Y/n:hey Sam

Sam<3:hey y/n

Y/n:I have to talk to u

Sam<3:why don't u just come downstairs?

Y/n:bc I need to talk to u in private

Sam<3:ight where u at?

y/n:in Colby's room

Sam<3:ight little girl Im coming

y/n:hey I said watch it

Sam<3:okay little mamas I'm coming


after I texted Sam I hered him running up the stairs cuz thats what we do in this house he walked in and said "hey whats up?" "listen okay and I want u to sit down k?" "okay?" he had sat down and said with such confusion "okay Sam your probably gonna hate me for this but I'm in love with Colby" I had finished what I said he looked at me and smirked then he said "I fucking knew u liked him and why would I be mad Colby I believe likes u too" "Sam idk why I thought you were gonna be mad I just did"

I finished what I said he hugged me and then left the room honestly I can trust Sam with everything but so can I with Colby but I'm always gonna choose Sam bc he's my fucking brother what else do u want me to do hate him? like no I'm not gonna do that to someone after theyve been there for me so dont even try it and the haters can go fuck themselves be I'm not in love with fucking Sam he's my BROTHER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD can people just not with the whole I'm dating Sam thing it's really annoying as fuck.

but I still can't believe that Colby let me where his hoodie and sleep in his bed but Sam can be pretty annoying when it comes to me dating one of his friends but I'll always love him for that IDC if it means I would drive or even run10000 miles to get to him Idgaf what people think about me I really done but if It comes to sam my fucking brother then we gonna have problems so don't even tryo to fuck with my family cuz its gonna get not anymore prettyir then this gotta be honest with u.

but anyways after I had told Sam about it I think he had went and told Colby but who cares honestly Colby was gonna find out one way or another u just wish Sam wouldn't call little girl I'm not little yes i might be 5'1 but that doesn't mean anything and I was still just laying in bed until Colby came in.

Hello guys I hope it enjoying this story so far I am a very slow typer so this might take me a few months to finish but I do take request's just tell me what to wright and I'll make some time to do that story I am very busy most of the time so might not get this finshed but I hope y'all have a wonderful day/night/evening goodbye<33

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