Colby's P.O.V
so when y/n wakes up I'ma ask her out and like I said I don't wanna hurt her at all and just wanna give her a love life that she will never have again it's one time and one time only no more chances after that if she wants to get back together with me that fine but I'm just gonna say this once don't fucking touch her she's mine and only mine

idk why Sam and kat are really sketchy bout me dating y/n but that alright as long as I don't break her her heart then I won't I won't die right? I shouldn't think anything of it it's not like I'm gonna hurt her cuz I'm not and I've changed since then back then I used to' break a lot of girls hearts and I think that why y/n is really carfull now on who's she dates cuz of me ok I fucked up lots of times it's nothing to think about that was all back in high school if I do break her heart I have to make it right cuz I can't lose her again

losing y/n is the most hurting and painfull pain I've ever felt losing her means I'm losing myself and losing myself means that I won't be able to be happy like I used to with her and I hope she's says yes to this bc if she doesn't it's gonna hurt really bad like a stab in the back I'm not trying to have that happen bc it hurts like fucking hell and I won't stop crying until she come back into my life and I could make things right she's just so beautiful I can explain it her eyes are dark brown like the dirt her hair falls even without her trying she just so perfect in every way

she's the one for me the only reasoned they have different hair colors Sam and y/n is bc they have a different parent I believe it was y/NS dad that went to get with sam's mom until I think y/n was born then that all changed that all I know I'll have to ask her but I don't want to make her uncomfortable that would be kinda akword as hell if u ask me I just hope she dosent hurt me like I did the other girl cuz it will be a really fucking shitty feeling cuz honestly she's an amazing gurl and I don't want to take that from her at all

I just want her to be happy and not be depressed nor sad at all I like seeing her happy all the time and I want to be there for her in her lifr I bjust want to tell her to just leave all that trama behind and create new memories with kat me and Sam maybe then you'll give us a chance to come back into our life again after what happened no one like it when she's sad or angry no one dosndt like that and is she's gonna be that way it's me sam's and Kats job to fix that we don't care what people say we don't care at all we care about is y/n being happy

and if that mean I have to go across the whole entire sea to get to her that what I'll do I'll do anything for that gurl I love her too much and its to hard to lose someone that special to me and I just want to see her smile again not that fake smile she does now her real smile that I love with my heart I just love her for being her her goofyness she makes me laugh all time I just love her too much too lose her again cuz I've fucked up really before and it made her hate me soon much she wouldnt talk to me for weeks maybe mounts until Sam went and talked to her then she cooled down but it was still my fault for making her cry I shouldn't have done that I don't know what had gotta over me

I just want my y/n back but motor likely she has a gf since she's a bisexual which idk how to feel bout that I want her but she might be dating either a boy or a gurl idfk anymore if she dating somebody that's perfectly fine I just like u too much that it but Sam is really starting to piss me off he keeps on blowing up my phone like wtfe do u want?!

(texting Sam)

Sam:bro fucking answer

Sam:there something wrong with y/n we can't fucking find her man answer!




Colby:wtfe is going on my phone was dead!?



Sam: HURYY UPP!!!!!!

Colby:okay I'm coming!!!!

who would ever kidnapp her that some fucking bullshit right there I have to go find her I'm doing this without Sam and cat I cant lose her she to special to be losing right now and that sam's sister so I have to find her if she's sam's family she's my family I dont care she's ,y lover sister she's myth everything I can't lose her again

(Texting Y/n)

Colby:y/n where TF are u?!

Y/n:what r u talking about?

Colby:where are u Kat and Sam are freaking TF out!?

Y/n:I'm at the store


Y/n:yes so what now I can't go to the store by myself?


Y/n:Colby I...


Y/n:Colby i-i

Colby:we'll talk when u get UR ass home

Y/n:colby let me speak pls


Y/n:I was at the store picking up some food because we don't have any and I was going christmas shopping since you know I haven't got out of the house since the thing happend thats all that happened

Colby:okay well im sorry but you have to tell us when UR leaving I was worried

Y/n:I'm sorry im coming home right now since I'm already done

Colby:okay bye love u y/n

Y/n:I..I love u too

okay well at least she was okat and not harmed in any way or I would went right back to jail cuz that person would have been dead with a broken nose cuz I won't let nobody touch y/n in any way shes wat too precious for those type of people and I'm noyt playing with that bullshit where she just leaves like why TF would u just leave and not tell anyone she had texted Sam and said the same shit I did cuz like u gotta say something broker leaving even when that shit went done bebfore

she just needs to say something that all I'm saying and I'm not being controlling at all so stop saying that I'm just saying that she needs to say something next time cuz if she actually got kidnapped then me and Sam would back behind bars again and that not gonna be fun we go back there were done for like fucking done for like is fine gonna be "Oh Im iN jAiL" no like we might be in there for fucking ever and this ain't no damn joke I'ma tell u that right now

I just can't wait to see what y/n got from the store maybe I could help her wrap the presents she got for kat and Sam cuz I never really get to help either bc I always get "in the way" but come on u can't blame me who wouldn't be excited to wrap christmas presents like that's those most fun thing and then unwrapping UR presents I just love it so much I just can't even anymore I love it but I love y/n more I hope she's my present that would be the most amazing gift ever

I wouldn't care what it was I just want to be eiteher kat Sam or y/n cuz I love them sooooo much and I hope they never leave cuz if they do I'ma kick ass nah I'm just playing if they were to leave mw I would just cry everyday till the day they come back but until they come ei would just cry all night all day everyday cuz thats how much I love them there my family and thats never going to change there too special too me and they all know thats I choose family before anybody else.

hey guys I hope u enjoyed this chapter this ones a litlle longer then the other ones and yes Im going publish more bc it's fun and more chapter are coming I'ma need u to get a blanket a snake something to drink and sit back and enjoy this series<3

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