Colby's P.O.V
so I met Sam about in 8th grade in middle school he has a girlfriend now but whatever I thought I was gonna not ever fall in love again but I thought wrong sam's sister there half siblings but who cares I do care like the don't care... u know what I mean but I really like y/n she's just so perfect in every way.

y/n me and Sam were on our way to the park until y/n had stopped and just looked at Sam and said "hey who's that?" Sam looked at me in confusion until I looked at the swings and some random person was just sitting there with there hood up and just sitting there on the swing me and Sam looked at each other again and gave a look like we're gonna kill somebody we just did that bc were over protective of y/n.

Y/n had looked at us and just said "hey guys can we just go home?" me and Sam stopped and I had said "ye let's just go" then we all just walked away but y/n was just so quit the whole time we were walking we were a few miles away from the house bc we walked really far and it was at night so we had to get back to sams parents house before they noticed and we were really carfull about getting there bc we had to walk through private property which was real sketchy but whatever

after we had gotten back to sams house y/n had said "hey I'm gonna go lay down" me and Sam both said okay she went upstairs and played down I was just talking to Sam bc we needed to figure out who TF that person was but then fucking Sams parents walked downstairs and just said "what are you guys still doing up it midnight?" me and Sam looked at each other and just said "we couldnt sleep so we decided to stay up" they just sat there for a saecond then said "okay well when y'all get tired go to bed y'all have school tommorow love u guys night" we said I love u back and then they went up[stairs me and Sam just talked non stop until

I hered running upstairs me and Sam just sat there in the silent room for a second until I hear a door shut so I told Sam "hey I'ma go and check it out k?" Sam said "okay man but it's probably y/n cuz I know what she sounds like when she runs and she's more likely in your room Colby" I just looked at Sam and said "okay well if she's is she can just sleep in there" he nodded I walked up the stairs opened my door and.

Y/n was just asleep laying in my bed with my hoodie I turned around to walk out until she had woken up and said "oh shit my bad!" I turned around and said "no no it's fine you looked pretty cute sleeping in my hoodie" she blushed as I was gonna walk out again until she said "can you lay down with me pls?' ofc I said yes I went and lated down next to her as she cuddled close to me and drifted off to sleep I did the same.

after that I was dreaming about how much I did love y/n but not as a friend I loved her so much that I could spend every minute is Mt life with her which was a new feelings that I was catching fire y/n I just want her to be in my life forever and ever not just for a year or two but I've known y/n for years now and she's just the most perfect person in the whole world I met y/n a couple days after I met sam then I met kat which I've known as longer then kat has but whatever as long as Sam is happy I'm happy y/n was a shy type of person back in middle school but really open to people and very trusting to people giving people way too many chances when she gave them everything and they broke that trust

y/n was too trusting back then but now she gives u her trust and u have to be carfull cuz u break that trust and your done like she can barely trust people now besides us which is awesome but I want her to meet new people bc she can't just stay with us forever or can she? oh well she can just stay with us forever bc I can't let go of her.

I need her in my life she needs to be there or I'm not fucking stable Sam, I love Sam okay I love him dearly but he's my best friend and so is y/n but y/n I can make her my girlfriend but I'm not the peroson you force myself onto people and Sam knows that which obviously he does and so does kat I love kat too but I don't know if y/n will let me into her heart and give me her trust like she gives to Sam I just don't know I'll just have to text Sam and see bc I want to ask.

(Texting Sam)
Colby:hey sam

Sam:hey man wassup?

Colby:I need to ask u something

Sam:okay what is it?

Colby:how do u ask out a girl?

Sam:let me guess you're gonna try and ask out y/n?


Sam:u just called yourself out


Sam:lol and I think it it's gonna be easy cuz she likes u too like a lot

Colby:damn okay well when should I ask here?

Sam:man ask her tommorow

Colby:okay brother thx for everything love ya

Sam:np man love ya too night night

so now I have to figure out what to do for y/n I just want everything to go as planned bc she is everything I want and I hope I can pull this off fcua if she says no I'ma be so fucking sad but like Sam said she really likes me a lot so there a 50% chance that she might say yes but is she doesn't God pls help me I'ma jump out my window

this is gonna be a hard one but the next morning I had gotten up before y/n she was just so cute I couldn't wake her up so I carfuly got out of bed and went down stairs sam was already up and his parents are at work and kat was here she just ran up to me and hugged me I was so confused for some reason and that morning I looked high as fuck and I was really cold since I didn't have a shirt on to I grabbed a blanket after that long as hug

then she was telling me not to hurt y/n a d if I did I would be dead so let's just not hurt her and I wasn't even planning on hurting her cuz Sam just had to tell kat her bff that will kill someone if they hurt y/n just cuz of her childhood which I understand bc I was there through all of it bc I was still overprotective of y/n and I still am till this day just bc of what happens to her which is never okay and I hope she gives me a chance and if she does I'm not gonna hurt her if we ever get in a fight I'll say sorry and do anything for her I don't want to hurt her in anyway at all or I'ma die either way by kat and Sam but I still don't want to period and that's on God I don't want to hurt her at all and IDC if that I mean I have to kill myself to fucking be with her I just want her and only her IDC.

hey guys I hope u enjoys this part pls give me some request so I can't be bored pls and thank u for your time and pls commet on what u think about it and I'll talk to y'all in the next chapter byeeee<3

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