The begining and the end

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Me and maggie walked side by side down the mall with a gun in each hand and knives in a belt on one thigh of both of us my blonde hair pulled into a pony tail and her brown hair in a side bread and we spotted a group of fuve walkers and we ran jumped dogged sliced and dodged then finally they where all dead and we started to walk into a boarded up store maggie got tackled by something but by the time i looked i seen it was a boy and i drug him off of her and helped her up and she seen the boy and the boy looked at her and smiled and excused his behavior and introduced himself as carl grimmes and maggie smiled and thrn he seen walkers come in and pulled us into a five by five closet then he told us to stay quiet and stay still then all of the sudden we hear gun shots and footsteps and i jump out of the closet and lung at what it was and put my knife to its throat to find it wasnt a zombie but another boy and he dropped his guns as soon as i put the knife to his throat i stood up and said sorry and he intriduced himself as mitchell hughes and i laughed and said i dout your mitchell hughes the minecraft player then suddenly he vowef and i was confused and thrn i relised it was him my jaw dropped and he seen it and smiled and picked his guns up and shot a walker who was just walking in then both boys ran and boarded and nailed the doors and stuff so nothing can get in then the boys laughed and looked at us then me and maggie looked at each other then grinned then we where heading to the door and the boys stopped us and said its to dangerous and we both laughed and kicked the door out in unison and started battling zombies and then when it was all clear we looked back at the boys and they where standing there jaws dropped and eyes widened and we walked on down the road

I will continue soon

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