The nightmare

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I'm walking in the forest i walk into a trap now im stuck in a iron cage freaking out was my best idea so i yelled and yelled for help nothing came and i seen a figure tall and dark with a full black outfit and a black mask i couldnt see who it was they walked forward the close they came the farther back in the cage i leaned i was all the way back when the reached the cage they unlocked it and reached in and grabbed me and picked me up with my arms down to my side so i couldnt squirm i tried and tried but failed so i gave up in like five minutes we reached a cellar door and they slung me over there shoulder and opened the door, then went in and i seen a sight i never wanted to see i seen my worst enemy holding mitch and he was not moving but i could tell he was alive then all of the sudden my enemy (named micheal) had thrown mitch againest a wall and he gasped for air and then tried to stand but his legs weakned and he fell to the floor in a gasping heap i am released out of the grasp of the henchmen amd i run to mitch only to be shoved away be my enemys girlfriend lakota or whatever she is but lakota will not take mitch from me so i stand up off the cold floor and shove her hard to the ground and she hissed in pain as her elbow connected with the ground hard and then she gets up comes running at me and i punch her hard in the nose and knocks her dead in one shot now my blood is racing and im angered so this is the time micheal picked to try and keep me for himself he walks up behind me pulls my body into his and he tells me to calm down that its ok and he starts to run his hands down my figure and it gives me chills so i try to run but he holds me tight and starts to nuzzle my neck and i pull away but still in his grasp so im stuck now and now he of course picks me up and sits me in a reclyner chair and he makes it recyles and starts to lay down on me but i kick him hard in the stomach and he leans over gasping for air cause it hurt and i took that chance to get out so i jump up and shoved him into the floor and i picked mitch up so he was walking but leaning on me and we ran fast out of the cellar slammed the door in micheals face and heared him groan and we took off running and then i am stopped by a man and i relize its micheal then i hear two gunshots and then a sharp pain hits me in my left side of my shoulder and i black out after mitch callapse to the ground and then my world ends
I wake up screaming and mitch runs to me and pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head im to scaried and frightned to struggle away so i lean in to his body and calm down alittle and he strokes my cheeck and i calm down alittle then max and carl rush in from the kitchen and see mitch and he says "calm down she only had a nightmare" max and carl slow to a stop infront of me and hugged me then then max said i need more rest but try not to dream so i do what she said

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