04| Normal party stuff....I think

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Asher pov

"What's up with you man? Kasmira had tears in her eyes." I ignore the voice.

"Asher, tell me. How would Kasmira know what's going on with you and Mason?" He exclaimed.

I turn to Brody.

"She doesn't have to know, I'm getting close to her and that's not what I want." I say. "You definitely remember last time I got close to a girl." I stood up walking back to the apartment.

Back when I was about 16 living in that apartment, A new girl who just had moved in town became my roommate.

We got close, started talking... Kissed.

She used me to get close to my ex best friend (Mason), Now they've been together ever since.

I look through my apartment window to see a girl curled up in a ball with a blanket ravelled around her comfortably watching a show.

I heard soft sniffles as I walk in the door, Tissues over loading the mini garbage next to her desk.

She look up from her computer just to look back down. "Hi? Are you ok?" What else could I've said. "Are you ok?" I ask again.

"Don't ignore me." I walk up to her sitting down next to her watching her screen then I feel a push.

"Move." She stated.

"You ask me to ignore you now you don't want me to." She pauses her show getting up to take the trash out.

She shove my arm purposely. "Mason isn't who you think he is Kasmira."

"Last time I checked he isn't rude and full of himself." She referred to me. "I'm not full of myself, I can be rude but that's just because I'm not used to....this."

"This what bro?" "Ever since I came here you've been rude, I don't know who you used to live with before but I'm not her/him get that through your head." She raises her voice with a thickening sound.

I see a tear roll down her eye, I wanted to say sorry but that's just something I don't do. I walk out slamming the door hearing slight sobs from Kasmira.

She really is a cry baby.


Kasmira Pov

I look at the dress holding my body tight showing every curve, I smear the teary mascara off trying to redo my makeup.

Well not really make up, just Mascara and lipgloss, I unravel the large curls into small ones giving my hair volume.

"Where are you going?" I hear a voice. "Go away Asher." I smile at myself trying to forget him.


"Out where?"


"For what?"

"For air."


"To breath."

"But you can breath in here."

"Not with you in here." I laugh.

"Woah- you have to chill with that."

He walks closer sitting down in my chair. "But seriously, where are you going?" Why did he want to know so bad.

"I'm going to a party." I say confidently. "What?" He furrowed his eyebrows then he sighs putting his head up a little.

"Let me guess, Brody Invited you." Yes, Yes he did. Making Asher mad is my number one goal because...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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