Chapter 6: Never Again

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(A/n: Trigger Warning/NSFW: a rated-M chapter)


That same Saturday night, Eric was dreaming.

He's snuggled comfortably in his bed underneath a pale blue duvet, his breathing almost inaudible. He always found solace sleeping in cold weather, loving the mixture of his warm duvet and the cold air mingling together. Such tranquility granted him equal dreams, however tonight's dream was different.

It's very dissimilar from what he normally dreamt, in fact, none of his dreams left him in a space full of nothing. Everywhere he looks, he sees nothing but darkness, and no matter how far he runs, he never goes anywhere. He can't even hear the sounds of his sock covered footsteps as he ran, just his heavy panting. After awhile, he collapses onto his hands and knees. He's utterly exhausted after running for what felt like forever. "Just where the heck am I?" He wonders. Over several seconds pass until his breathing calms down, he flops back onto his butt. He glances around, hoping to find something in this void. But alas, he spots nothing. He feels lost, he doesn't know what else to do. "This place is boring...and creepy."

Out of nowhere, Eric feels something wet land on top of his head. He reacts with a startled flinch, then he slowly raises a hand to his head. Once his fingers touch the mysterious substance, he lowers his hand to inspect it, immediately recognizing its colorless texture. "Water? Is it gonna rain now?" He thinks, curious. He wipes the liquid off on his dark blue pajama pants, and looks up to discover that what landed on his head wasn't rain. Instead, little by little, snow is sauntering down from the cloudless sky. "Wait...snow?" Eric stands up as he continues to gaze upwards at the random snowfall in wonder. How strange. It's snowing, yet Eric doesn't feel cold. He sticks a hand out in front of him, one of the little droplets of snow landing lightly on his palm, however it doesn't feel like it did. It feels like he isn't touching anything. He pulls his hand back towards his chest, looking down at the small white particle. He becomes suspicious the longer he observes it. He remembers when he touched the liquid atop of his head just seconds ago, it turned out to have been melted snow. Eric narrows his eyes. "Why hasn't this melted yet?" He then focuses his attention to the snow slowly falling around him. More than a dozen of the snowdrops are on the ground, all unmelted. It's as if the snow is gradually painting the blackness around Eric into a white canvas. The brown-haired child lets the snow in his hand drop by his feet, allowing the frozen vapor to accompany the rest of its kind on the ground.

Swiftly and silently, a gentle wind blows. Eric expected the breeze to be cold, but just like the snow, the wind is blank of any temperature. The snowdrops on the ground flow along with the air current, going past Eric. The brunette watches in confusion and awe as the snow groups up in one spot, gathering a few feet ahead of him. "What's happening now?" Bit by bit, the snow huddles together and begins to change color. Half of the white becomes yellow, red, and black. There is an equal amount of white and red, having greater numbers than the black and yellow. Soon, the white snow takes on the form of a person. Eric's chocolate brown eyes gape at what's happening before him. All of the white snowdrops expand and reach down to the ground, outlining its head, torso, arms, and legs. Shortly after, around the upper part of the chest area, the snow separates a bit, then morphs into two medium-sized lumps.

Eric knows instantly that the snow is forming into a female. "That's...actually pretty cool!"

Soon after, the white snow shapes her hands and feet, followed by her jointed digits on each of the limbs. As soon as they finish shaping the female, the yellow snow begins to take the form of long hair behind her head, forming three rows all the way down to her waist. A few of the red snow moves up to her head and separates to each side, becoming her eyes. The rest of the red and a few black snowdrops take the shape of a dress. Eric watches the little red orbs outline the dress' features, the color covering the female's breasts, then shaping into frills below her kneecaps. Briefly afterwards, the black snow covers over the red frills, coloring the ruffles in their own color. Next, the remaining red and black muddle together under the dress and at her feet. The two colors appear as if they're trying to dominate the other.

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