Chapter 33: Reflect And Move On

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Stan is in his room, sitting in a chair that was once at the dining table. The light of the lamp has been preventing his room from being too dark for his liking. He'd showered and changed into new clothes earlier, it is now late into the afternoon. He's wearing a plum-colored long-sleeved shirt, another pair of black jeans, and clean grey socks.

Kenny is occupying his bed, has been ever since the wee hours of the morning. Stan hasn't left his side for hours. He even cleaned the red and purple blood off of him. He's glad that Kenny is in better condition, he seems more relaxed, his breathing slow and inaudible. When Stan first saw him, it was while Wendy was healing him, and his injuries were critical. Normally, Stan wouldn't be up so soon, but thanks to the constant usage of 'Power Link', it seems his body has gotten used to the exhausting aftereffects, so he doesn't stay unconscious for too long. He never knew the illicit ability (at first, he didn't even know that it was forbidden until his mother told him) would yield any good results, but even still, he hates when Chris initiates it whenever he pleases or thinks that Stan is in danger.

Stan and Wendy spent less than a few minutes talking about what happened last night, Wendy had started healing Kenny while Stan was unconscious for a short while. She was almost done. She had already known what they did because Kyle had told her and Bebe, but hearing that they encountered a Being of Darkness from Stan shocked her. She reprimanded him a bit for worrying everyone, and wanted to do the same to Kenny, but she'll leave the rest of the scolding to Mrs. Marsh. Stan could only apologize, though he was waiting to do that until all of the tension went away.

After Wendy was done, she wanted to tend to Stan's wounds next, but he reassured her that his Inner Guardian had already did that for him.

"It's great seeing you and the others again," she said softly with a sweet smile.

"Same. Let's catch up later, if I'm not in too much trouble, haha," Stan said, forcing a chuckle. Wendy nodded, then left his room. That's when he decided to take a shower and change his clothes. He's been awake since, and has heard no sounds of anyone else being up. He's not surprised though, he surmised that yesterday's tribulation left everyone worn out. He could've gotten some more rest, but there are currently a lot of things on his mind. Plus, he's not really tired.

The first thought he reflects on is the trap he and Kenny deliberately stepped into. He honestly thought they would've been able to flee had they suddenly came across an enemy, not taking into account that there could've been more than one and that they would've been hindered by a barrier. They had no other choice than to fight, and he feels bad that Kenny had to face the Being of Darkness by himself, which was something the monster planned from the start. It wanted to separate them, probably didn't matter who its opponent was either.

Stan shakes his head, upset, but he can't be mad at anyone. He doesn't know whom or what to direct the feeling towards. The Being of Darkness is dead, and Kenny merely wanted to know where his siblings were once and for all. Despite getting a very dissatisfying outcome, Stan hopes that when Kenny comes to he accepts that his family is on the Dark Master's side. No matter how much it pains him.

Stan calms his mind for a moment, staring at Kenny's sleeping face, then his hair. Stan can't tell for sure, but it seems like there are more white strands compared to before. He is curious as to what will happen to Kenny once his hair is completely white, forgetting that he's supposed to be letting his brain take a break. But he can't help it, he's just worried about Kenny, is all. And Clyde. Finding out that he also almost died last night fills Stan with incredible remorse, especially since he and Craig had just returned to earth. He'd seen Craig healing the brunette on the sofa in the living room, looking on the verge of tears. Stan didn't see any bloodstains on Clyde, but something concerning happened to him regardless, otherwise Craig wouldn't have looked so disquiet. Stan wanted to apologize to everyone in there in that instant, however he figured that he would wait to do that.

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