Chapter 17: Misfortune Pt. 3- All According To Plan

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Kenny and Yuna

Time feels as if it's standing completely still as Kenny and the Being of Darkness hold their intense staredown, the rain visibly hammering down only on Kenny. The man-looking creature is still smiling ever so creepily. No matter how fearsome the Being of Darkness looks, Kenny isn't afraid because he knows he's not facing it alone. He has Yuna with him and although the girl isn't here with him physically, his feelings haven't changed. His determination remains unshaken. He is here to save Kyle from this freak. He had the options of either letting Kyle get taken away or to save him. Of course, Kenny chose the latter without a second thought. They are best friends after all, have been ever since Preschool. He thinks about Eric next, wondering where he might be during all of this. Even though he's a bully, Kenny hopes he's been okay. Perhaps this Being of Darkness took him as a hostage, but if so...Yuna would've told him.

"Get Ready, Kenneth," Yuna advises, instantly pulling Kenny from his thoughts.

Kenny watches the Being of Darkness extend its arm. A ball of dark red energy manifests in the palm of its hand, and begins to expand until it nearly covers its whole hand. The Dark Being's grin grows a bit wider. "Let's see how you handle this, it's one of my weaker spells," it taunts.

Kenny braces himself, his heart speeding up inside his chest. "Say This Quickly With Your Hand Held Out In Front Of You, 'Protect Me, Light Barrier'," Yuna instructs hastily.

The boy does as told as soon as the dark red orb flies straight at him. He tries not to lose focus at its swift advancement. "Protect me, Light Barrier!" One strand of his soaked blonde hair turns white. He shuts his eyes when the magical projectile is inches away from hitting him. When he feels no pain, and instead hears a loud yet muffled sound, he opens his eyes, unaffected by the soft yet bright light. Astonished, he looks all around his barrier. He's able to see through it like glass, and it remains dry in spite of the rain constantly pelting against it. "Awesooome," he thinks. He looks at his hand, around it is a pure white aura. It feels pleasantly warm.

"Good Job," Yuna praises him.

An amused chuckle grabs Kenny's attention. He glares back at the Being of Darkness. "Not bad, kid. You managed to successfully summon a barrier in due time, and I must say, you've got talent to pull that off when you haven't had a single day of training."

Kenny doesn't know if he should feel appreciative or apprehensive after receiving a compliment from his adversary. His barrier slowly disintegrates into the ground beneath his feet, breaking down into sparkly particles. "Do Not Let Your Guard Down." He nods his head.

The Being of Darkness' smile broadens in a manner that shows it's going to enjoy this fight. It raises the same arm out in front of it again. "Since you've proven yourself more than capable to stand up against me, despite being a child, I'm gonna have to step it up a notch." Kenny's eyes widen when a long stick of red energy stretches out to the side from the center of the thing's hand. "Form and prepare to cut down my enemy," the Dark Being utters menacingly. Each side starts flickering like a flame that's gone out of control. The raindrops that land on it evaporate. The tip of the energy curves upwards a bit. The fast-moving edges decrease in velocity before stopping altogether, the top side remains sticking up like spikes whereas the bottom side becomes smooth. The energy hardens, starting from the tip and working its way down to the Being of Darkness' hand, where the handle is. The magical energy has taken the appearance of a katana with its backside unusually sharper than the blade itself. Grabbing the handle, the monster lowers its deadly weapon, the arched point of the blade vaporizing the rainwater on the ground, creating a dry patch underneath.

Kenny is unable to take his eyes away from the katana, his body feeling stiff and heavy like a statue. He can't help but imagine different scenarios of himself getting stabbed, sliced in half, or even cut to pieces by it.

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