"Is God real?"

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They carried her back into the building. Her hands were clenched into tight fists, pulling at their arms slightly. The men were a whole lot stronger than she was, so struggling was useless. Instead she looked up and hissed at them until one had the courage to smack her.

They made their way to the elevator, and she only began to kick more. Their grip tightened around her arms and legs, it was almost bruising. She hissed in pain before finally going limp in their arms.

The elevator dinged and they were now on the main floor. There were guards and such by the door, and outside was a van, on the side it read, "The Ridges - Mental Hospital."

Becca started to jerked as they walked down the hospital. They had planned to take her away today anyways. Some patients were peeking from their doors to see what was going on, Becca only hissed at them. When they got to the main lobby area, she saw the people in the front lines desk, signing in to the meet their families, or friends. In the line Becca saw a familiar dark headed boy. It was Cas. His attention was now focused on Becca.

"Becca?!" He called, he started his way towards us but a couple of the bodyguards held him back.

"It's been a long day, Cas!" She called out with a dark chuckle. "I'll tell you all about it when I see ya again! Thank you, for all that you have done!" She laughed darkly, and Cas knew that she wasn't the same anymore.

Becca had a smirk as she was carried outside and practically thrown in the back of the van, only to be held back but more hands. She groaned and went limp in their arms, head hanging low. She didn't glance up as she heard police sirens, but she knew that they were taking care of Susie's body.

The ride was long, and for the most part quiet. Becca kept her mouth shut as she listened to what they were saying. Talking about what they would do to her, what medicine they would inject, everything. Every little detail. Some joked about the torture they would do to her, payback, they called it, for the people she killed. Becca flexed her muscles a little to show them that she was listening, and that she was strong. They only chuckled but tightened their grips.

Once they arrived, they basically kicked her up, making her hiss. The van doors opened and she winced at the bright sun before being pushed out.

The building was huge, but from the outside it didn't look like a Mental Hospital. It looked like a well put together building. Becca was jerked as they pulled her towards the building, it just getting bigger as they walked closer.

While Susie was still around, she made sure to give Becca new gowns, and cut her hair, since that was all she asked of her, so when she walked in, she got some weird looks. She look insane, she incredibly pale. They her down one of the corridors. Hospital beds took up most of the sides of the hallway, and from the rooms you could hear the mumbling, screaming and crying from the others in there. The nurses didn't look as nice or pretty at the others, and it made you wonder,did they even groom themselves?

It was dirty, nonetheless, but the wallpaper was decent. Becca was thrown into a metal room with just a window and bed. She growled up at the people as they slammed the door shut and locked it. She then quickly crawled up onto her bed and waited. She knew they would probably try to shove something in her mouth.

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