"It's just a football game."

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Thursday wasn't as bad, in fact it was a great day for Becca. She got Toby's number and managed to avoid Megan at all cost. Her and Dean goofed around in biology so everything was good. Cas was still sick, Which bummed Becca out because she sat alone at lunch without him. Megan of course was still a bitch, as always, but she didn't bother Becca too much. Friday was a breeze, no one spoke to her, other than her friends and no one bothered her and everything seemed peaceful. Once Becca got home she was more than excited to celebrate her brothers sixth birthday. She threw her bag in her room and quickly ran back up to the kitchen to face her grandmother.

"Hey, so what are we doing for Micheal's party? Tomorrow our school is having it's last football game and he really wants to go, so don't plan anything, okay? Okay," Becca leaned in to give her grandma a kiss on the cheek but she quickly grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Whoa, this is the first time I heard about a football game Becca," She said sternly, she tightened her grip but it was nothing too dangerous.

"Don't worry, okay? It's just a school football game." Becca reasurred her. "It was suppose to be next Friday but they changed all of that for some reason. I think it's because of the weather." Becca nodded, giving a small friendly smile in hope her grandma would agree with her.

Nannie let out a huff, giving Becca a small glare before letting go of her. "Well alright, he's always bugging to spend time with you anyways." She said with a small nod.

Becca smiled smugly to herself before nodding. "Great, thanks Nannie!" Becca pulled her grandmother into a tight hug. "It'll start in an hour, I'm gonna get ready and make sure Micheal is too!" Becca called to her grandmother before running downstairs to the bathroom by her room. Becca didn't take too long before she hopped out of the showers and walked into her own room, letting the towel hit the floor as she looked through her dresser for clothes. She ended up pulling out a dark pair of skinny jeans and one of her highschool t-shirts. This was the last game of the season, which means it is getting closer to winter, but Becca told herself she didn't need a jacket. After she slid on her clothes, she got her hair dryer and in a matter of seconds her hair was dry. She pulled it up and looked herself over in her full body mirror, nodding with a small smile she then slid on her converses, grabbed her phone then headed out the door.

She walked up the stairs and smiled when she saw Micheal all dressed up, wearing a cute little football shirt and his favorite pair of boots. He smiled brightly and ran over to hug Becca's legs. "Are you ready? I'm ready!" He hummed and gave her legs a small squeeze.

Becca chuckled and reached down to pick up Micheal, giving him a small squeeze. "Im ready!" She chuckled, pulling out her phone and dialing Dean. "I just gotta get the ride over here," She chuckled, putting her phone to her ear. When Dean picked up he was already in their driveway, something Becca didn't notice until she was on the porch.

"I see you," Dean said in a low voice which creeped Becca out.

"Wait, what?" Becca asked with a small chuckle before turning on the porch and spotting Deans car parked. "Oh, there you are!" She laughed and hung up the phone to wave at Dean, who responded with one. She jogged down the steps with Micheal on her hip, giggling as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. Becca sat down in the passenger seat, Micheal ripping away from her to sit in the middle sit, starring up at Dean.

"Hey, little guy," Dean chuckled and ruffled Micheal's hair, who simply giggled and gave Dean a tight hug before relaxing against the seat. "You guys heading to the game?" Dean asked but before Becca could reply; Micheal did.

"Yeah! It's my first game and it's gonna be awesome! And we'll go to more and more and more!" Micheal said excitedly, his hands clasped together.

"Well, someones excited, huh?" Dean asked with a small chuckle before he started up his car and backing out of Becca's drive way. The trip wasn't long and once Dean turned up the radio, all fell silent. It wasn't awkward, not at all. Micheal was obviously very focused on where they going, knowing when they were getting closer he would giggle. Becca looked over to Dean, raising an eyebrow.

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