part 1

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*training starts*
Jonas-Hey guys I would like to introduce our new signing!
*Lisa walks around the corner*
Lisa- Hey guys, hey viv.*talk to everyone else*
Beth-Viv?Are you ok?
Viv-Yes but i can't stay in the same room as her.
Beth-Why whats wrong?
*Viv tells her everything that happend*
Beth-Oh my god, im here you.
Viv- Thanks Beth
*Beth kisses Viv*
Katie-Guys keep it PG!
*Everyone laughs exept Lisa*

Jonas-Guys get ready for training, it's match day in three days!
*Everyone leaves for training*
Beth-Viv come on your my partner!
*Everyone laughs at the comment*
Beth-Oh shut up Jordan!
*training ends*
Lisa-Viv? Can I speak to you?
Lisa-What's with you and beth?
Viv-well, she and I are dating.
Lisa-Oh,*Kisses Viv whilst beth comes round the corner*
Beth-Viv?*runs of crying*
Viv-Fucking hell Lisa, look what you have done!
*Runs after Beth*
Viv-Beth! It's not what it looks like!
Beth-Ofcourse it isn't. I literally saw you kissing!
Viv-Please can we talk about this at home!
*gets home*
Viv-I swear I didn't kiss her she kissed me and I would never ever hurt you!
Beth- I know you wouldn't hurt me.I-i just need time.
*Viv starts to cry*
Viv-I'm sorry.
Beth-I know you are, im sorry too.
*Beth goes up to her room and called Leah*
Hi umm I was wondering if I could stay with you and Jordan?
umm.Yeah sure, is everything ok?
Can I tell you when i get there?
*End of call*

*Beth gets her clothes packed and leaves*
Leah-Hey is everything ok?
Beth-Yes, Viv and Lisa kissed.
Leah-WHAT!OH.MY.GOD.I'm going to kill her!
Beth-No your not.
Leah-Oh yes I am!
Jordan-God what's up with all the shouting?
Leah-Viv kissed Lisa, and im going to kill her!
Jordan-No your not.
Leah- come on in.

*Beth gets in their house*
Leah-You know where the spare room is, put your stuff in there.
*Beth goes upstairs*
Leah-Jords wanna go ask Viv why she did it?
*Leah shouts upstairs that she and Jordan are going*
Leah-Jords i'll drive.
*They get in the car and drive to Viv and Beths*
*knocks on the door*
Viv-What you guys doing here?
Leah-We've came to talk to you about the events that took place yesterday.
Viv-Ok, come in.
*They go in and sit down*
Leah-Beth came to our apartment yesterday an-
Viv-Is she ok?
Jordan-No not really,she's just been sad all the time.
Viv-I'm really sorry.Lisa kissed me.I didn't do anything.She held onto me so I couldn't move away.
*Viv gets up and goes to the bathroom and Leah follows her*
Leah-Viv it's ok breath in and out.
Viv-I'm sorry I-i know this is silly but I really love her and I wouldn't do anything to hurt her.
Leah-I know you wouldn't.

P.s: I update when im not busy.

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