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Beth's POV
It's been about a month since the three new signings and me and Viv are laid in bed on our phones. I sigh loudly and Viv looks at me,"Baby, are you ok?" I look at her and nod."Yeah, just tired." I say yawning."Go to sleep then"Viv says."Alright,goodnight."I whisper. I put my head on viv and my arm round her waist."Night, meijse"I heared Viv whisper.

Viv's POV
I lay their wide awake at 3 am listening to beth's slow breathing. I decide to go downstaire and get some sleeping pills to help me sleep (I know it may sound bad but we get giving them to help sleeping on the planes when travelling long distances). I take them then I quickly go back to my room. As soon as I put my head on the pillow darkness takes over me.

Beth's POV
I woke up at 9:00 am to my alarm going off, training is later this day so we get to sleep in. I roll over to see Viv facing me sleeping peacefully I smile and press a kiss to her forehead. "Hey baby, it's time too wake up."I whisper. "noooo"Viv whines, I laugh at her. "Come on we have training."I say. "Fine." Viv sighs. I tickle her. "Hey!"She laughs. I stop and give her a kiss and get out of bed. I go downstaires after getting dressed and make breakfast for me and Viv. As I start cooking but i see a spider out the corner of my eye so I quickly get a cup and trap it, then the fire alarm goes off. "Your not cooking again are ya?"I hear Viv shout. "Uh, No?"I shouted nervously.I managed to turn the fire alarm off but by the time i managed too stop it the food burned. "Fuck sake."I murmed. Viv comes down. "Oh god what have you done?" Viv asked slightly laughing. "I tried making us breakfast but ot a little distracted." I say scratching the back of my neck. Viv just laughs putting her shoes then passing me mine."Come on lets go to the bakery"Viv said.

A/N-Oops forgot about this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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