Chapter 2

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|The Next Day|

Conner's POV:
I was having the dream again. Just like every night ever since I became the Ghost Rider. My sister getting hurt, me dying and becoming Ghost Rider, and the death of my father. Over and over again. A hell in itself. 

When I saw my sister's face I screamed and jumped up as my eyes burned with embers. "MELENA!" I shouted as flames engulfed my head and started burning the room. "Crap!" I shouted as the door to the room burst open and Mrs. Wolf ran in with a Fire Extinguisher.

"Conner, what happened?" she asked as she tried to put out the fire. "Hold on." I said as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I held out my hands and commanded the flames to extinguish themselves. Once I did that I opened my eyes and sighed. "I hate it when that happens." I said. Clawd, Howleen, and Clawdeen came in and saw the chard remains of the guest room.

"What happened in here?" Clawdeen asked, "It was my fault. This kinda happens when I have trouble sleeping." I said and pulled out my wallet that I placed in my fireproof bag and pulled out some cash. 

"This should cover the damage." I said handing Mrs. Wolf the money for the damage. "Whoa, where'd you get all this?" Clawd asked. "Um, I am a bounty hunter. I hunt down escaped convicts and it pays really well." I said telling them a half-truth to protect them so they wouldn't lie under oath if I'm ever arrested.

"Really? Wow, didn't know that." Clawd said. "It helps with money troubles. Again, sorry about the damage." I said. "You were having a nightmare, weren't you?" Mrs. Wolf asked. "I don't want to talk about it." I said as I walked over to my bag and pulled out my dad's jacket. "I remember that jacket. Your father wore it when he helped me." Mrs. Wolf said. "So you've told me." I said and the tension started to get uncomfortable for me.

Clawdeen's POV:
I can tell that Conner was becoming uncomfortable. "Alright, I think we should move things along. I promised to introduce Conner to our friends." I said. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean he's a normie right now." Clawd said and I hit his arm for that. 

"What?" he asked. "I'm only part Normie. Half my DNA comes from Zarthos making me Half-Celestial." Conner said as he put the jacket on and pulled out some sunglasses.

"Alright that's enough. You all go out and have fun. I'll use the money Conner gave me to repair the room. I'll also install some fireproof coating and items in here." Mom said. "Might want to have those things enchanted to withstand Hell Fire. That's why your fire extinguisher wasn't doing anything." Conner said. "I doubt I know someplace that does that." Mom said. "Just leave it to me. Again, sorry for the damage." Conner said as he walked out of the room with his bag.

I followed him outside as he opened the trunk of his car and put his bag inside. "I can introduce you to my friends another time if you want." I suggested. "No, it's fine. I just have a lot on my mind right now. But I think a little normalcy will help me get back to how I used to be. If only a little." Conner said as he smiled at me and I smiled back. "Cool. Anyway the Ghouls and a few others are heading to the Maul to fang out. I can take you there if you want?" I asked.

"I'll follow. No sense leaving my car here. Besides, I've been adding some upgrades to it since you've last seen me." Conner said. "Really? Like what?" I asked. He smirked and whistled as his car came to life and multiple weapons appeared on it.

"Like this. Helps when I'm hunting escaped demons from the nine spheres of Hell. Mostly the really dangerous and evil demons." Conner said as he whistled again and the weapons on his car vanished.

"Still holding on this this car huh?" I asked, "It was the last gift my dad gave me before he died and I became the new Rider." Conner said as he ate a chocolate bar that he pulled out of his jacket.

A Werewolf's Rider (A Clawdeen Wolf x OC Venom Rider story) (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now