Muichiro vs Zenitsu

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NEZUKO: hello mui Kun how are you

MUICHIRO: Fine Nezuko and you

NEZUKO: Alright well let's go to class/I just finished and called mui Kun/

NARRATOR : On the way to class, Nezuko's friends and Tanjiro's friends are seen together

THE GIRLS: Hello Nezuko why didn't you tell us that you already had a boyfriend uwu

NEZUKO: Hello girls/Blushing at what the girls said/

THE GIRLS: And you don't deny it

ALL THE BOYS: ........../What's going on here/

NARRATOR: The bell rang and everyone went to class they were the most boring classes but finally recess time came They all met at some benches that were almost in the middle of the entire school the girls didn't stop bothering Nezuko and Muichiro

THE GIRLS: They've been dating since when...By the way when's the wedding

ZENITZU:/ Damn Muichiro Nezuko chan is mine and no one else's I'll show you/

NEZUKO: /I already know what to do/ you are not far behind mitsuri I think you would make a good couple with Professor Iguro, Shinobu I think you would make a good couple with Professor Tomioka and Kanao I think you would make a good couple with my brother Tanjiro

(•‿•) THE GIRLS AND TANJIRO:......... (THEY TURNED RED LIKE A TOMATO 🍅) No Of course you're not lying and you'd make a good couple with Muichiro

NEZUKO: Hahahaha yes of course

ZENITZU: Nezuko chan and I would make a better couple than her with Muichiro

EVERYONE ELSE - MUICHIRO AND ZENITZU:......./And this bug bit him/

TANJIRO AND INOSKE: No definitely not like that

MUICHIRO: I think I'd better go/this is getting weird/

NEZUKO: I'm going with you mui Kun

MUICHIRO : Sure why not

ZENITZU: I'm going too because you better do anything  Nezuko chan

THE GIRLS: No she will go with Muichiro and you stay here or go alone/Because you won't leave him alone/(ANGRY)

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