The girls' invation to nezuko

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NARRATOR: Nezuko took Muichiro to a very nice forest nearby, they chatted for a while and then Muichiro accompanied Nezuko to her house

NEZUKO: Thanks for accompanying me Mui Kun

MUICHIRO: Of course, no problem Nezu chan

NEZUKO: You just called me Nezu chan?

MUICHIRO: Yes, but it's only fair you call me Mui Kun

NEZUKO: Well you're right Mui Kun, my brother wants to talk to you by the way

MUINEZU: Ummm ok.....

TANJIRO: Hi guys Muichiro I have to talk to you Nezuko your friends are waiting for you in your room

NEZUKO: Ok thanks brother


NARRATOR: Nezuko went to her room while Tanjiro and Muichiro were talking Nezuko didn't know what they were talking about but her brother would be annoyed if she got into where they didn't call her. 

KANAO: Nezuko

NEZUKO: Yes kanao what's up

KANAO: Well I wanted to tell you that your brother is handsome

NEZUKO: Ahh you like my brother

MITSURI: Obviously she likes

SHINOBU: Mitsuri is right or and Nezuko would you like to join us on Saturday to a party

NEZUKO: Yes why not

MITSURI: Great, the eight of us will have a great time


SHINOBU: Yes, the 4 of us, your brother and his friends

NEZUKO: But there are seven of us

KANAO: Yes, but Muichiro will also go

NEZUKO: Mui Kun's going?

MITSURI: Yes well Nezuko we're leaving see you on Friday to choose the clothes

NEZUKO: Tomorrow is Friday

SHINOBU: Nezuko is right Mensa

MITSURI: Sorry and don't call me Mensa

KANAO: Well don't fight anymore and let's go bye Nezuko (the girls left)

NARRATOR: When Nezuko left her room after a while her brother was still talking with Muichiro and Nezuko began to wonder what they were talking about since they had been talking for more than 2 hours

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