Locked in. (Hint of angst lol)

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Screech POV: 

After a few more minutes of yelling for help, banging on the door, and shaking the door knob, I had given up. 

Defeated, I let my back hit the door and I slid down the door curling into a ball on the floor. 

Why could I not do anything right? I couldn't kill anyone, I couldn't be smart, nobody liked me, I wasn't as good looking as the others, I was a failure. 

Why, why me? I couldn't break us out, I had failed my best friend. We could be stuck in here for who knows how long. 

"Hey, are you ok?" Eyes softly asked, putting his warm hand on my back. I didn't notice that silent tears stung the sides of my face. 

I was never asked what eyes had just asked me, I broke down in tears. 

"Hey, it's ok. We will find a way out of this." Eyes reassured me, warmly hugging me, pulling me close. His body was warm against my deathly cold skin.


I had calmed myself down no longer crying but wanting to. We huddled close by the door, eyes was asleep, I stared at his cute face, did I really just think that? 

I had to admit now to myself the truth. I had been in semi-denial about how I felt but now I couldn't deny it

I was in love with my best-friend. 

I slightly blushed a stared at eyes. He had woken up.

He was visibly flustered and he backed away, letting go of me. Eyes was red in the face

Did he feel the same way?

No, I shouldn't jump to conclusions. But, looking back on a lot of past actions... it was possible. I shouldn't give my hopes up though.

"So what were you dreaming about?" I asked, getting up offering a hand, eyes took my hand and  got up. 

"Nothing."  Eyes responded sounding flustered. 

The two doors that had been locked then clicked, the sound of running foot steps were muffled by the door. I reached out my hand to open the door, 

It opened.

(A/N: sorry this chapter is short asf I am sick run and have thrown up like 6 times so I might not upload a chapter tomorrow.)

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